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Re^6: Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem

by ghosh123 (Monk)
on Feb 22, 2013 at 13:21 UTC ( [id://1020153]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^5: Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem
in thread Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem

To explain you better, I am copy/pasting the entire snippet run on a small input file (info.txt). The info.txt content is following :

location usa age 22 phone 201
location germany age 22 phone 202
location france age 23 phone 101

Above info.txt is having 3 sets of data (2 for alex and 1 for martin). To test the application , you have to first keep only one set of data for alex only, then you replace the file by the above one to see the "Entry '1' not found Error"

One apology, the regular expression is working fine for me. If it does not work for you, please correct it. I have kept the file content as simple as possible. Pardon me please on this.
One more thing is, I have kept an entry box above to let the user to set the frequency of refreshing the gui. How can I put that Entry box textvariable to the repeat function so that it picks it up. Default should be 5000.

Following is the code

use Tk; use Tk::HList; use Tk::ItemStyle; use Data::Dumper; my $user = $ARGV[0] || 'alex'; my $hash = {}; my ($location,$age,$use,$vendor,$feature); my $sec; #gui variables my ($hl,$ok,$alert); # Making the Gui my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->geometry("500x200"); my $userframe = $mw->Frame(-width=>5,-height=>10)->pack(-side=>'top',- anchor=>'nw'); $userframe->Label(-text => "USER: $user")->pack(-side => 'left', -anch +or => 'nw',-padx => 0); $userframe->Label(-text => "Set time")->pack(-side => 'left',-anchor = +> 'w',-padx => 0); my $frequency = $userframe->Entry(-width=>5,-textvariable=> \$sec)->pa +ck(-side => 'left',-anchor => 'nw',-padx => 0); my $hlistframe = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1); $hl = $hlistframe->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => 'ose', -columns =>4 , -header => 1, -width => 100, -command => sub {print "AAA\n";}, -selectmode => 'browse', )->pack(-fill => 'both',-expand =>1 ); my $label1 = $hl->Label(-text => "location", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(0,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label1); my $label3 = $hl->Label(-text => "Age", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(1,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label3); my $label4 = $hl->Label(-text => "phone", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(2,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label4); open_report(); my $timer1 = $mw->repeat(5000, \&clear_data); MainLoop; sub clear_data{ print "Inside clear data \n"; read_file(); my $path = 0; for my $locationkey (sort keys %{$hash->{$user}}){ _refreshData($path,$locationkey); $path++; } } sub _refreshData { my $path = shift; my $location = shift; print "Inside refreshdata $path | $location \n"; my $availbl = $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age}; my $chk = $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phone}; if($hl->itemExists($path,0)){ #if($hl->info(exists, $path)){ print "itemexists ...\n"; $hl->itemConfigure($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{l +ocation}); $hl->itemConfigure($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{a +ge}) ; $hl->itemConfigure($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{p +hone}); } else { print "Inside else ....\n"; $hl->add($path); $hl->itemCreate($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{loca +tion}); $hl->itemCreate($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} +) ; $hl->itemCreate($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phon +e}); } } sub read_file { print "Inside read file \n"; open(FP, "< info.txt"); while(<FP>){ if(/location (\w+) age (\d+) phone (\d+)/){ ($location,$age,$use) = ($1,$2,$3); print "$1 $2 $3\n"; } if (/^$user\s*/){ $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{location} = $location; $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} = $age; $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phone} = $use; } } close(FP); } sub open_report{ read_file(); my $path = 0; for my $locationkey (sort keys %{$hash->{$user}}){ _insertData($path,$locationkey); $path++; } } sub _insertData { print "Inside insertdata\n"; my $path = shift; my $location = shift; print "Inside insertdata $path | $location \n"; $hl->add($path); $hl->itemCreate($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{loca +tion}); $hl->itemCreate($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} +) ; $hl->itemCreate($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phon +e}); }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^7: Perl Tk , MainLoop, destroy function problem
by zentara (Archbishop) on Feb 23, 2013 at 14:01 UTC
    Hi, first the easy problem, making the timer variable. You can do this by making your timer a 1 shot timer which reinstalls itself at the end of each clear_data run. To use a -textvariable as a control, you have to watch out that the user dosn't change the $sec to 0, which would mess up the timer and cause an error. So I set it that $sec cannot go below 1000. It might be good to use a Spinbox to allow the user to set $sec only to allowed values.

    Here is the code.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; use Tk::HList; use Tk::ItemStyle; use Data::Dumper; my $user = $ARGV[0] || 'alex'; my $hash = {}; my ($location,$age,$use,$vendor,$feature); my $sec = 5000; #default value #gui variables my ($hl,$ok,$alert); # Making the Gui my $mw = new MainWindow; $mw->geometry("500x200"); my $userframe = $mw->Frame(-width=>5,-height=>10)->pack(-side=>'top',- anchor=>'nw'); $userframe->Label(-text => "USER: $user")->pack(-side => 'left', -anch +or => 'nw',-padx => 0); $userframe->Label(-text => "Set time")->pack(-side => 'left',-anchor = +> 'w',-padx => 0); my $frequency = $userframe->Entry(-width=>5,-textvariable=> \$sec) ->pack(-side => 'left',-anchor => 'nw',-padx => 0); my $hlistframe = $mw->Frame()->pack(-fill => 'both', -expand => 1); $hl = $hlistframe->Scrolled('HList', -scrollbars => 'ose', -columns =>4 , -header => 1, -width => 100, -command => sub {print "AAA\n";}, -selectmode => 'browse', )->pack(-fill => 'both',-expand =>1 ); my $label1 = $hl->Label(-text => "location", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(0,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label1); my $label3 = $hl->Label(-text => "Age", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(1,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label3); my $label4 = $hl->Label(-text => "phone", -anchor => 'w'); $hl->headerCreate(2,-itemtype => 'window',-widget => $label4); open_report(); $mw->after( $sec, \&clear_data); MainLoop; sub clear_data{ #print "Inside clear data \n"; read_file(); my $path = 0; for my $locationkey (sort keys %{$hash->{$user}}){ print "clear_data $locationkey\n"; _refreshData($path,$locationkey); $path++; } # make a lower bound for timer # in case your user sets $sec to 0 if( $sec < 1000){ $sec = 1000 } # reinstall 1 shot timer for another run $mw->after( $sec, \&clear_data); } sub _refreshData{ my $path = shift; my $location = shift; print "Inside refreshdata $path | $location \n"; my $availbl = $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age}; my $chk = $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phone}; if($hl->itemExists($path,0)){ #if($hl->info(exists, $path)){ print "itemexists ...\n"; $hl->itemConfigure($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{l +ocation}); $hl->itemConfigure($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{a +ge}); $hl->itemConfigure($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{p +hone}); } else { print "Inside else ....\n"; $hl->add($path); $hl->itemCreate($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{loca +tion}); $hl->itemCreate($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} +); $hl->itemCreate($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phon +e}); } } sub read_file { print "Inside read file \n"; open(FP, "< info.txt"); while(<FP>){ if(/location (\w+) age (\d+) phone (\d+)/){ ($location,$age,$use) = ($1,$2,$3); print "$1 $2 $3\n"; } if (/^$user\s*/){ $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{location} = $location; $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} = $age; $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phone} = $use; } } close(FP); } sub open_report{ read_file(); my $path = 0; for my $locationkey (sort keys %{$hash->{$user}}){ _insertData($path,$locationkey); $path++; } } sub _insertData { print "Inside insertdata\n"; my $path = shift; my $location = shift; print "Inside insertdata $path | $location \n"; $hl->add($path); $hl->itemCreate($path,0,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{loca +tion}); $hl->itemCreate($path,1,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{age} +); $hl->itemCreate($path,2,-text=> $hash->{$user}->{$location}->{phon +e}); }
    Your logic problem is not quite so easy, and since you are not paying for this, I feel like it isn't my responsibility to sort out your logic, I prefer to let my mind rest on Saturday. :-) But, I will point out where and what your problem is. Here is the debug output I get after following your instructions about swapping in the new info.txt.
    $$ ./ Inside read file usa 22 201 Inside insertdata Inside insertdata 0 | usa Inside read file usa 22 201 clear_data usa Inside refreshdata 0 | usa itemexists ... Inside read file usa 22 201 clear_data usa Inside refreshdata 0 | usa itemexists ... Inside read file usa 22 201 germany 22 202 france 23 101 clear_data germany Inside refreshdata 0 | germany itemexists ... clear_data usa Inside refreshdata 1 | usa XS_Tk__Callback_Call error:Entry "1" not found at /usr/lib/perl5/site_ +perl/5.14.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ line 251. Tk::Error: Entry "1" not found at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.1/x86_ +64-linux-thread-multi/ line 251. Tk callback for .frame1.frame.hlist Tk::After::repeat at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.14.1/x86_64-linux-thr +ead-multi/Tk/ line 80 [repeat,[{},after#13,5000,repeat,[\&main::clear_data]]] ("after" script) ^C
    As you can see if you closely look at it, when it starts it clears_data for usa fine, but after I switch in the full file, indicated by the lines
    Inside read file usa 22 201 germany 22 202 france 23 101 clear_data germany Inside refreshdata 0 | germany itemexists ... clear_data usa Inside refreshdata 1 | usa XS_Tk__Callback_Call error:Entry "1" not found at /usr/lib/perl5/site_ +perl/5.14.1/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/ line 251.
    After the full file is read, you clear_data for germany instead of usa, which what would be expected.

    Like I said, it strains my mind to try to figure out someone else's spaghetti logic. Either I can spend all Saturday trying to debug that glitch, or you can, and guess what, I'm going to take a nap. :-)

    If you really want to learn, you can run the code thru the ptkdb Tk debugger. There are many tutorials on ptkdb, just google for them. Good luck.

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