use strict ; use warnings ; my %count ; while( my $line = ) { # Read lines from DATA, you can # replace this with a file handle ( FH ). # First break down a single line into words - # We assume that words are white space separated. # To include others such as '-' you woould replace # /\s/ with /[\s-]/ my @words_in_this_line = split( /\s/, $line ) ; # Now we flip through the words within a single line. foreach my $word ( @words_in_this_line ) { # Lowercase it to ensure that repeats in different # cases are not recounted. $word = lc( $word ) ; # Check if there is a number contained in this word, # we move to the 'next' iteration if there is # Notice that the condition is after the statement # that is executed if the condition is True. next if( $word =~ /\d+/ ) ; if( defined( $count{ $word } ) ) { # If I have seen the word before then increment my count. $count{ $word } ++ ; } else { # What if I have never seen this word - Then I need to set count as 1; $count{ $word } = 1 ; } } # End of loopint through words. } # End of looping through lines in file. # Your - sort { $count{$b} <=> $count{$a} || $a cmp $b} keys %count # Lets break it up: # We stored it so the key is the word and the value the count # This ordering was intentional so as to ensure that we can 'quickly' # figure out if we have seen a word before. my @uniq_words_in_file = keys %count ; # We use the brilliant sort function that allows you to tell it what the # comparison should be. @uniq_words_in_file = sort( { $count{$b} <=> $count{$a} || $a cmp $b } @uniq_words_in_file ) ; # This one bit brings out the beauty of Perl: # We are passing a Subroutine to the subroutine 'sort' # 'sort' will use this sub to compare elements during the sort. # notice that <=> will return -1, 0 or 1 and when # $count{ $b } is equal to $count{ $a }, '<=>' will return 0. # # Now every line in evaluates to a value and Perl uses Lazy evaluation. # What this means is that as it evaluates a boolean 'OR' it will # stop evaluating expressions after it finds a true value # ( because True OR anything is always True ) # # We use this to additionally compare $a and $b as strings this time # when the counts are equal. # And now the printing. foreach my $word ( @uniq_words_in_file ) { print "'$word'\tOccurred\t$count{ $word }\ttimes\n"; } __DATA__ This these that the and how who writ this code 1 how now brown cow 1asdf 23 the fox jumped into 123 the hencoop the lazy brown 2134 dog was azleep. #### use strict ; use warnings ; my %count ; while( my $line = ) { my @words_in_this_line = split( /\s/, $line ) ; foreach my $word ( @words_in_this_line ) { $word = lc( $word ) ; next if( $word =~ /\d+/ ) ; if( defined( $count{ $word } ) ) { $count{ $word } ++ ; } else { $count{ $word } = 1 ; } } # End of loopint through words. } # End of looping through lines in file. my @uniq_words_in_file = keys %count ; @uniq_words_in_file = sort( { $count{$b} <=> $count{$a} || $a cmp $b } @uniq_words_in_file ) ; foreach my $word ( @uniq_words_in_file ) { print "'$word'\tOccurred\t$count{ $word }\ttimes\n"; } __DATA__ This these that the and how who writ this code 1 how now brown cow 1asdf 23 the fox jumped into 123 the hencoop the lazy brown 2134 dog was azleep.