in reply to Re: How to remove the certain element of an object
in thread How to remove the certain element of an object

Dear tobyink

thanks to your and Athanasius great help I was able to go further and make a script that seems to bring a reasonable output (if I do not miss something). Here is the script, thank you very much again and it would be great if you could comment this one too :-) :

Thanks again!


#! perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; package Restroom; { use Moose; has queue => ( handles => { queue_obtain => 'push', queue_release => 'shift' , queue_inventory => 'count', }, isa => 'ArrayRef[Person]', default => sub { [] }, traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro',); has facility_nr => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', default => 3 ); has facilities => ( handles => { fac_open => 'push', fac_close => 'shift' , fac_count => 'count', }, isa => 'ArrayRef[Facility]', default => sub { [] }, traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro',); has returner => ( handles => {in => 'push', out => 'shift', r_nr + => 'count',}, isa => 'ArrayRef[Person]', default => sub{ [] }, traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro', ); sub initialize { my $self = shift; for ( 1 .. $self->facility_nr ) { my $facility = Facility->new(); $self->fac_open( $facility ); $facility->number($_); } } sub enter { use List::MoreUtils qw(any); my $self = shift; my $person = shift; if ( any { ! $_->occupied() } @{ $self->facilities } ) { for my $facility ( @{ $self->facilities } ) { if ( not $facility->occupied() ) { $facility->occupy( $person ); last; } } } else { $self->queue_obtain( $person ); } } sub tick { my $self = shift; for my $facility ( @{ $self->facilities } ) { $facility->tick( ); if ( $facility->ret_nr ) { $self->in($facility->stepout); } } } no Moose; } package Facility; { use Moose; has occupier => ( handles => {doit => 'push', leave => 'shift', +check => 'count',}, isa => 'ArrayRef[Person]', default => sub{ [] }, traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro', ); has duration => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', default => 0, ); has number => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', default => 0); has returner => ( handles => {stepin => 'push', stepout => 'shif +t', ret_nr => 'count',}, isa => 'ArrayRef[Person]', default => sub{ [] }, traits => ['Array'], is => 'ro', ); sub occupy { my $self = shift; my $person = shift; unless( $self->occupied() ) { $self->doit( $person ); #? $self->duration(1); return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub vacate { my $self = shift; my $person = $self->leave; $self->stepin( $person ); } sub tick { my $self = shift; my $occupier = $self->occupier; if ( $self->check and ( $self->duration > $occupier->[0]->use_ +duration ) ) { $self->vacate(); $self->duration(0); } elsif ( $self->check ) { $self->duration($self->duration + 1); } } sub occupied { my $self = shift; return $self->check; } } package Person; { use Moose; use constant DURATION => 540; has use_duration => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'ro', default => 1, ); has frequency => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'ro', default => 4, ); # + debug! has number => ( isa => 'Int', is => 'rw', default => 0, ); sub need_to_go { my ($self) = @_; return rand(DURATION) + 1 <= $self->frequency; } } package Team; { use Moose; has population => ( isa => 'ArrayRef[Person]', is => 'ro', traits => ['Array'], handles => { obtain => 'push', release => 's +hift', }, ); sub cull { use List::MoreUtils qw(part); my ($self) = @_; my ($need, $stay) = part { ! $_->need_to_go } @{ $self->popul +ation }; return $need // []; } sub display { use Data::Dump; my ($self, $msg) = @_; say "\n$msg\n"; dd $self; } } package main; { use constant DURATION => 540; # use List::MoreUtils qw(each_arrayref); my %data; for ( my $people_nr = 10; $people_nr <= 600; $people_nr += 10) { say $people_nr; # simply to inform in the meantime. my $rr = Restroom->new(); $rr->initialize; my $people = Team->new; for my $case ( 1 .. $people_nr ) { my $per = Person->new; $per->number( $case ); $people->obtain( $per ); } for my $t ( 1 .. DURATION ) { push @{ $data{$people_nr} }, $rr->queue_inventory; my @queue = @{ $rr->queue }; @{ $rr->queue } = (); if ( @queue ) { my $next = shift @queue; $rr->enter( $next); } # Those who do not need to go stay in the office. my @wanted = @{ $people->cull} if $people->cull; my %wanted = map{$_ =>1} @wanted; @{ $people->population} = grep(!defined $wanted{$_}, @{ $p +eople->population}); # while ( my $p = shift @wanted ) { $rr->enter( $p ); } $rr->tick; while ( $rr->r_nr ) { $people->obtain( $rr->out); } } } my @keys = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %data; my @AoA = @data{@keys}; my @transpose = pivot ( @AoA ); my $outfile = "output_OO.txt"; open my $out, ">", $outfile or die "$!"; print {$out} join(';', @keys ), "\n"; print {$out} join(';', @$_ ), "\n" for @transpose; system q["C:/Program Files/R/R-2.13.0/bin/R.exe" CMD BATCH R_scrip +t.r]; sub pivot { my @arr = @_; my $iter = each_arrayref(@arr); my @pivot; while ( my @tuple = $iter->() ) { push @pivot, [@tuple]; } return @pivot; } }
  • Comment on Re^2: How to remove the certain element of an object # Seems to work now!
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