my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; employee_info: 'employee' name id name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR #### my $text = "employee Joe 10"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->employee_info($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; employee_info: 'employee' name id { print "$_\n" for @item; } #Action name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR #### use strict; use warnings; use 5.012; use Parse::RecDescent; $::RD_ERRORS = 1; #Parser dies when it encounters an error $::RD_WARN = 1; #Enable warnings - warn on unused rules &c. $::RD_HINT = 1; #Give out hints to help fix problems. #$::RD_TRACE = 1; #Trace parsers' behaviour my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; employee_info: 'employee' name id { print "$_\n" for @item; } #Action name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR my $text = "employee Joe 10"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->employee_info($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; --output:-- employee_info employee Joe 10 #### myrule: brace_clause brace_clause: '{' word '}' word: m{ [a-z]+ }xms #### myrule: brace_clause brace_clause: '{' word '}' { print "$_\n" for @item; } word: m{ [a-z]+ }xms #### brace_clause #the rule name { #the match for '{' hello #the match for word } #the match for '}' #### myrule: brace_clause { print "$_\n" for @item; } brace_clause: '{' word '}' word: m{ [a-z]+ }xms #### myrule { hello } #### myrule } #### myrule: brace_clause { print "$_\n" for @item; } brace_clause: '{' word '}' { join ' ', @item[1..3] } word: m{ [a-z]+ }xms --output:-- myrule { hello } #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use 5.012; #enable say() use Data::Dumper; } … … END_OF_GRAMMAR #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use 5.012; #enable say() use Data::Dumper; } employee_info: 'employee' name id { say Dumper(\@item); } #Action name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR my $text = "employee Joe 10"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->employee_info($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; --output:-- $VAR1 = [ 'employee_info', 'employee', 'Joe', '10' ]; #### use strict; use warnings; use 5.012; use Parse::RecDescent; $::RD_ERRORS = 1; #Parser dies when it encounters an error $::RD_WARN = 1; #Enable warnings - warn on unused rules &c. $::RD_HINT = 1; #Give out hints to help fix problems. #$::RD_TRACE = 1; #Trace parsers' behaviour my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; { use Data::Dumper; use 5.012; #enable say() } another_rule: 'new' employee_info { say Dumper(\@item); } employee_info: 'employee' name id { say Dumper(\@item); say '-' x 20; 'hello world'; } name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR my $text = "new employee Joe 10"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->another_rule($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; --output:-- $VAR1 = [ 'employee_info', 'employee', 'Joe', '10' ]; -------------------- $VAR1 = [ 'another_rule', 'new', 'hello world' ]; #### employee_info: 'employee' name { say $item[1]; } id name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms #### employee_info: 'employee' name { say $item[1]; } id { say $item[3] } #print match for id #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use 5.012; #So I can use say() } ... #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use 5.012; #So I can use say() } ... #### Unknown starting rule (Parse::RecDescent::namespace000001::startrule) +called at line 76. #### defined $parser->another_rule($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; #### word_list: word(s /,/) word : m{ [^,]+ }xms #### word_list: word(s /,/) { say Dumper(\@item); } word : m{ [^,]+ }xms #### $VAR1 = [ 'word_list', [ 'hello', 'world', 'goodbye', 'mars' ] ]; #### my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; { use Data::Dumper; use 5.012; #enable say() } delimited_or_list: word(s /or/) { say Dumper(\@item); } word: m{ \S+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR my $text = "apple or strawberry or cherry"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->delimited_or_list($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; --output:-- $VAR1 = [ 'delimited_or_list', [ 'apple', 'strawberry', 'cherry' ] ]; #### some_rule_name: 'hello' word(s /,/) word : m{ [^,]+ }xms #### $item{'word(s /,/)'} #### $item[-1] #### $VAR1 = [ 'command_choices', 'commands->', [ [ '', '\'', 'go to', '\'', '', '', '', '' ], [ '', '\'', 'stop', '\'', '', '', '', '' ] ] ]; #### cmd_choices: 'commands->' quoted_string(s) { my @results = map { $_->[2] } @{$item[-1]}; say for @results; } quoted_string : --output:-- go to stop #### use strict; use warnings; use 5.012; use Parse::RecDescent; $::RD_ERRORS = 1; #Parser dies when it encounters an error $::RD_WARN = 1; #Enable warnings - warn on unused rules &c. $::RD_HINT = 1; #Give out hints to help fix problems. #$::RD_TRACE = 1; #Trace parsers' behaviour our %RESULTS; #Need to declare the variable, but my variables #won't be seen in another namespace. So declare #a global variable with our(). my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; #Start up action(executed in parser namespace): { use 5.012; #enable say() use Data::Dumper; } some_rule: name id { $main::RESULTS{names} = $item{name}; $main::RESULTS{phone_numbers} = $item{id}; } name: m{ \S+ }xms id: m{ \d+ }xms END_OF_GRAMMAR my $text = "Joe 10"; my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!\n"; defined $parser->some_rule($text) or die "Text doesn't match"; use Data::Dumper; say Dumper(\%RESULTS); #Do something with %RESULTS --output:-- $VAR1 = { 'names' => 'Joe', 'phone_numbers' => '10' }; #### my $text = <<'END_OF_TEXT'; {{ hello }} END_OF_TEXT my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; { use 5.012; use Data::Dumper; } #Declare some my() variables for use within the rule: brace_block: brace_block: lbrace(1..) { $lbraces = join '', @{$item[1]}; $rbraces = '}' x length $lbraces; } 'hello' "$rbraces" { say "$lbraces $item[3] $rbraces"; } lbrace: / [{] /xms END_OF_GRAMMAR #### my $text = <<'END_OF_TEXT'; {{ hello }} END_OF_TEXT my $grammar = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; { use 5.012; use Data::Dumper; my $lbrace_count; #**DECLARE VARIABLE** } brace_block: lbrace(1..) { $lbrace_count = @{$item[1]}; #SET VARIABLE** } 'hello' rbraces { say "rbraces matched: $item{rbraces}"; } lbrace: / [{] /xms rbraces: / [}]{$lbrace_count} /xms #**INTERPOLATE VARIABLE** END_OF_GRAMMAR