Feeling nostalgic, and just reminded by LanX of the time of the year, here's an old obfu I wrote ten years ago for the 2002 Christmas programming contest:

$_= q~v ZvZ&%(' $&"'"&( &"& $&"' "&$Z$#$$$#$%$& "'"& (&# %$&"'"&#Z#$$ $#%# %$%$%$%(%%%# %$%$%#Z"%*#$ %$%$ %$%(%%%#%$%$ %# Z"%, ($% $% $%( %%%# %$ %$% #Z" %*%" %$ %$%$ %(% %%# %$%$%# Z#%%"#%#%$ %$ %$%$##&#%$ %$%$%# Z$ &""$%"&$%$%$%#%"%"&%%$%$%#Z%&% &# %"'"'"'###%*'"'"'"ZT%?ZT%?ZS'>Zv~;s;\s;;g;$~=q~ZZZJ_ #_ZH /'\\ZG|#o #o#|ZG|$ <%|ZH\\" \\!_!_!/" /ZG/ )\\ ZF/+\\Z E|-|ZE |-|ZE| -|ZF\\+ /ZG \\)/ ~;;@x=@,= +map{$.= $";;join "",map((( $.^= O)x(-33+ord)),/./g)}split+Z;$~=~s~\s~~g;;s;.;(rand)< .2 ?"o":$";egx for@;=(5x84)x30;map {# system $^O=~W?CLS :+ "clear";;; ;print $_. $/, ,for $_ -18? @;: ### (( map{ $|= 1; ;;; join "" ,map($|--?$" x(-3 *11+ord):$_, /./g)}split+ Z,$~ ),@x);splice @;, -$_, 2,pop@,;@;=("" ,@;) ;;; ;sleep! $%}+2.. 18# /-\

Update 2021: changed egxfor to egx for to work with later version of Perl v5.32.