#!/usr/local/bin/perl -Tw # Please see entire codebase for this Web site at # http://students.washington.edu/dawgpolo/code_review/ # Pre-live checklist: # [X] add some file locking for Godsakes!!! # [X] link to this thing and do auth ONLY through SSL!! # [X] protect /admin dir with .htaccess # [X] use $ENV{ REMOTE_USER } once .htaccess is in place # [X] make sure to untaint $ENV{ REMOTE_USER } # [X] write a file-storing routine ... just did it inline instead # [X] bonus points: use XML :) # [X] app tempfiles? # [X] move to "live" data dir automatically? # [X] add CSV validation to _validate_upload # [X] test CSV validation to _validate_upload # [X] count fields in a cool way for $num_fields use lib '/dw02/d37/dawgpolo/myperl'; use lib '/dw02/d37/dawgpolo/myperl/lib'; use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser ); # I think this slows us down use Data::Dumper; use Date::Format; use Dawg qw( %CONFIG %CSV ); use Dawg::DB; use Dawg::Draw; use Fcntl qw( :flock ); use strict; $ENV{ HTTPS } or die "Insecure! Change URL to https://$ENV{ HTTP_HOST }". "$ENV{ SCRIPT_NAME }\n"; $ENV{ HTTPS } =~ tr/A-Za-z//cd; $ENV{ SERVER_ADMIN } = $CONFIG{ EMAIL }; $ENV{ PATH } = '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin'; my $cgi = CGI->new; my $draw = Dawg::Draw->new; my $title = 'CSV Update Tool'; my $self = $ENV{ SCRIPT_NAME }; my $user = $ENV{ REMOTE_USER }; $user =~ tr/A-Za-z//cd; my $userIP = $ENV{ REMOTE_ADDR }; sub main { my %dispatch = ( upload => \&upload, debug => \&debug, DEFAULT => \&upload, ); $draw->headers(); $draw->html_start( { title => $title } ); my $action = $cgi->param('action') || 'DEFAULT'; my $do_sub = $dispatch{ $action }; if ( $do_sub ) { &$do_sub(); } else { warn "[warn] Invalid action: [$action]"; die "[die] You can't make me do that!\n"; } $draw->html_end(); } sub upload { my @errors = (); # array of errors found during execution my @lines = (); # input lines of uploaded file my $page = ''; # page that uploaded file corresponds to my $ucpage = ''; # uppercased version of the same thang my $mode = $cgi->param( 'mode' ); $mode =~ tr#a-z_##cd; # untaint that param! my $in = $cgi->upload( 'datafile_in' ); # returns a filehandle my $logfile = "$CONFIG{ ADMIN }/transactions.log"; # log entire transaction my $qwiklog = "$CONFIG{ ADMIN }/quicklog.csv"; # abbreviated log open( LOG, ">> $logfile" ) or die "Couldn't open $logfile"; open( QWK, ">> $qwiklog" ) or die "Couldn't open $qwiklog"; if ( $mode ) { # They're trying to upload a file push @errors, "Invalid filename" unless ( ref $in eq 'Fh' ); # retrieve the uploaded file and check for data integrity unless ( @errors ) { my $rv = Dawg::DB->slurp_csv_safe( $in ); if ( $rv ) { @lines = @$rv; } else { die "No lines returned while slurping CSV"; } if ( $mode =~ /^([a-z_]+)_go$/ ) { $page = $1 or die "no page given!"; $ucpage = uc($page); die "unknown page [$ucpage]" unless ( exists $CSV{$ucpage} ); my $result = Dawg::DB->validate_csv( $ucpage, \@lines ); @errors = @$result unless $result == 1; } } if ( @errors ) { print qq[ ERRORS OCCURRED DURING FILE UPLOAD:\n
]; print qq[
\n ]; } else { # upload was good. my $time = time2str( "%C", time() ); my $outfile = "$CONFIG{DATA}/$page.csv" or die "cannot draft datafile filename for [$page]"; open( CSV, "> $outfile" ) or die "Couldn't open $outfile"; print qq[ $ucpage UPLOAD SUCCESSFUL
\n ]; # - 1 - lock all files to be written to flock( CSV, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB ) or die "Can't lock CSV"; flock( LOG, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB ) or die "Can't lock LOG"; flock( QWK, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB ) or die "Can't lock QWK"; # - 2 - write the datafile itself for (@lines) { print CSV "$_\n" } # write csv to datafile # - 3 - write the entire transaction print LOG "[ $time ] $ucpage UPDATED by $user [$userIP]\n"; for (@lines) { print LOG "$_\n" } # log the transaction # - 4 - write a "qwiklog" entry print QWK "[ $time ] $ucpage UPDATED by $user [$userIP]\n"; # - 5 - close all filehandles, drop locks close( CSV ) or die "Couldn't close file $outfile"; close( LOG ) or die "Couldn't close file $logfile"; close( QWK ) or die "Couldn't close file $qwiklog"; flock( CSV, LOCK_UN ) or warn "Can't lock CSV"; flock( LOG, LOCK_UN ) or warn "Can't lock LOG"; flock( QWK, LOCK_UN ) or warn "Can't lock QWK"; } } else { # They're not trying to upload a file YET, so give them tips print < End_HTML } foreach my $table ( sort keys %CSV ) { my $name = lc($table); print < Download $name datafile

UploadForms } } sub debug { print "
  print Data::Dumper->Dump( [\%ENV], ['ENV'] );
  print "
\n"; } main();