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"be consistent"


by zzspectrez (Hermit)
on Oct 14, 2000 at 04:13 UTC ( [id://36692]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??


Not much here.

Just me.

By day I work in the medical field, X-raying people.. When I have free time, I like to pretend I can program in perl! :)

Standard Disclaimer for any code I post

  1. I do not write production code.
  2. I do not intend to write production code.
  3. I code for fun.
  4. I code for education. Which usually revolves around prior statement.
  5. Given above, I probably wrote something that should have used an existing module, but didnt because I was trying to figure something out.
  6. Please post your improvements/suggestions. I only post things to hopefully have someone tell me a better way to do it.

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