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by talexb (Chancellor)
on Dec 12, 2001 at 20:34 UTC ( [id://131279]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

January 2024: Encouraged by FunkyMonk's home node, took the Nerd Test and scored 89%. Not bad. Currently semi-retired, which means doing a little on-demand work for one client while I figure out my finances. Currently trying to figure out Mojo, with some help from IRC (thanks ether!). Good times.

August 2023: TPRC 2023 happened last month in Toronto. I organized, I drank some beer, and I had an awesome group of volunteers doing all kinds of stuff behind the scenes helping out. Special thanks to Bruce and Sarah Gray, to Peter K and Amber D, Josh for all of the video editing, and to all of the Toronto Perl Mongers who helped out (Alan, Jon, Marc, Sergio, ugh who have I forgotten). See you next year in Vegas, Baby! :)

June 2022: So if you were at TPRC in Houston this month, you may have heard that TPRC 2023 is going to be in Toronto, with me organizing. (Along with a supporting cast of thousands. Or, perhaps, dozens.) Yeah, there's a lot of work ahead, but I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I'd you'd like to help out, msg me here or (probably a more direct approach) E-Mail me at my userid at gmail dot com. I also host the Toronto Perlmongers on the last Thursday or every month (but not December), and you can find us at

February 2020: Finally, an updated photo that's more recent. This was me in May 2019, setting up my new BBQ at my trailer, about an hour North of Toronto. It's a lovely spot called Harmony Ranch, in a tiny place called Baldwin, ON (about equi-distant from Sutton and Keswick). I'm now working full-time at Tucows, a business that includes Ting Mobile, and uses Perl for a bunch of stuff.

March 2019: I'm a Software Developer located in Toronto, Ontario, and currently the Speaker Wrangler for the Toronto Perlmongers. The group meets on the last Thursday of each month; more information on the group and where we meet can be found on I'm currently a self-employed Perl developer, working on Electronic Data Interchange projects for a client. Working from home rocks!

(March 20, 2019) I finally got myself organized and put one of my repos on It's a module that beautifies SQL, something I've been thinking about doing for a long time. The module is called SQL::Tidy, which is a little bold, but I decided to go with that name .. for now. Please have a look at the module and give me feedback!

Above, that's still me on the Great Wall of China, North of Beijing, back in September 2012. My chorus travelled to China as a combination vacation and tour; it was a long flight, but definitely worth it for all of the experiences we had together. Less than a year later, we were the champion chorus at the International Convention held right here in Toronto. Awesome!

Over the summer of 2013, I worked on a few open source projects on github, namely MetaCPAN where I updated some docs and wrote some code, as well as Vagrant, where I submitted a first draft of a man page. (Vagrant is an awesome tool, by the way -- you should check it out.) I also updated some docs on Dancer2, which I am using to develop an API for a personal project of mine. I also cleaned up the Cookbook section of DBIx::Class, removing the code from the POD, instead pointing to the code examples (which I expanded a little). I also contributed a few fixes to the POD in Perl, which appeared in Perl 5.19.4.

At a recent job, I was under contract with Bluecat Systems, doing some virtualization work using libguestfs to prepare a thinly-provisioned disk image, then using the resulting system via AQEMU and VirtualBox. I also set up a git server and migrated the code base over from Perforce. And I maintained and supported the build process, running Jenkins.

My LinkedIn profile is here. I'm also on Twitter, and you can also find me on #perl occasionally.

I've been developing software professionally for over thirty years, starting with a variety of assemblers, then moving up the food chain to C, a sideways trip to Pascal, a brief visit with awk and finally, my current fav, Perl. I've worked in a variety of areas: word processing, data communications, robotics, desktop publishing, pharmacy management, the stock market, document conversion, and foreign exchange, ETL, and now, EDI.

In the Toronto area and feel liking singing? Come on out to a chorus rehearsal and have a listen!

How I ended up here .. I read that interview of Damian Conway, and immediately signed up for an account here. Best decision ever.

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