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by ryddler (Monk)
on Dec 05, 2000 at 01:54 UTC ( [id://44865]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

for (0..$#tasks) { $ryddler[$_] = Ryddler::Clone->new( job => $task[$_] ) || die "Try +ing"; }

Node's I found interesting enough to mark, but still need time to go back and review
  • Web Wizard
  • SQL INSERT creator
  • Binary to Decimal (zdog's way)
  • SerialPort module
  • Should One Use to Generate HTML?
  • (Corion) Getting active (Re: Perl Programs that can retrieve email addresses from web pages)
  • Re: (Guildenstern) Re: Uncovering hidden Internet Explorer cache
  • Learning CGI
  • Re: Converting a C structure to Perl
    notes to self...
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; package foo; use vars qw($var); $var = 'FOO'; print "package foo: $var\n"; package bar; use vars qw($var); $var = 'BAR'; print "package bar: $var\n"; package main; { no strict 'refs'; # *cough cough* my $pack = 'foo'; my $var = 'var'; print "(main) package foo: ${$pack . '::' . $var}\n"; $pack = 'bar'; print "(main) package bar: ${$pack . '::' . $var}\n"; }

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