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by lzcd (Pilgrim)
on Jul 25, 2000 at 06:38 UTC ( [id://24232]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

The picture above is a slightly
edited cover of Margaret Thatcher's
new unauthorised biography
'No Time for Nipples'.

In this shocking new book, we reveal the secret desires of former Miss Burnt Cheese '78 and her plans to return to the strip club that started it all.

The Infamous JavaS‎crip‎t Hater , of Perlmonks fame, has always denied the rumours surrounding any connection between Ms Thatcher and the ultra trendy nightclub 'The Velvet Orange'. The nightclub's owner, The Hater , went on to say that nothing did happen on the night of the 23rd and asks why everybody keeps on going on about it.

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