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by jdporter (Paladin)
on May 30, 2002 at 16:48 UTC ( [id://170442]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Just FYI... I am not the jdporter who is aka boo_radley. (Indeed, he and I have been striving over the "jdporter" alias for many years. :-)

It's hardly debatable that we are indeed both (intolerant and capricious).
These are the consequences of having not rigorously defined policies and rules
and rather letting the community decide for itself what it tolerates or not,
and the makeup of the community being in a constant state of flux over time.

I'm not sure when I joined SiteDocClan, but my first edit to a group wiki was on 2003-08-27.

I'm not sure when I joined pmdev, but my first edit to a group wiki was on 2005-12-28 and I submitted my first patch on 2006-01-26.

I joined gods on 2015-06-21 (in the ineffably resplendent form called erzuuli).

Rooms in my treehouse:
Popular links on homenodes
Tutorials digest
Survey of POOP Modules
Some cb snippets
Restyling PerlMonks
Sitedoclet usage analysis
Scratchpads & Blogs:
pad for admin-related stuff
pad for pmdev-related stuff
pad for other stuff
User Posts
CPAN contribs

Some of my root (and root-like) posts you may find interesting:

PerlMonks for the Absolute Beginner
New Service: Thread Watcher
New Snippets Index
XY Problem
Where should I post Y?
jdporter's place in the name space
test of ancient magic
test this
Nodes 1 .. 1000
There is no Perl Illuminati
PerlMonks Memorial Garden

Also check out my Free Nodelet Hacks
Also check out  
(RFC) Arrays: A Tutorial/Reference
Tk Photo Slideshow, with scrolling and scaling
Simple Console Menuing System
Control and Query Win32 Services at the command line
Strategy Handles
Linked Lists With No Memory Leak
There's Only One Way To Do It
Read and write Windows "shortcut" links
Create and Pop Up Outlook Notes from Perl
IO::MultiHandle - Operate on multiple file handles as one
map-like hash iterator

Here are some links I keep handy in my Free Nodelet:

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Monks I've met in meatspace:

PerlMonks Quine:

perl -MLWP::Simple -e "getprint '; +displaytype=displaycode'"


Previously, I used this:

Between the mind which plans and the hands which build, there must be a mediator... and this mediator must be the heart.
This is a line (my own translation) from the classic movie Metropolis. Incidentally, my homenode pic above is a frame cap from this movie as well.

In the movie, the building of the mega-city Metropolis is likened to the legendary tower of Babel. This was intended as a warning: Knowing the fate which befell Babel, the builders of the present age should take care to avoid the same sins, and thus the same fate. Specifically, the builders of Babel lacked "heart" (a spirit of compassion and a willingness to compromise), and this resulted in a cataclysmic conflict between management and labor.

Most languages are like StackOverflow: I have a question, I want the best answer.
Perl is like PerlMonks: I have a doubt, I want to read an interesting discussion about it that is likely to go on a tangent. q-:

tye, in Re: What is PerlMonks? (why Perl)

A classic gem by eyepopslikeamosquito: I eagerly await the invention of a time machine so I can feast my eyes upon your majestic code. I estimate the probability of you having actually written such code is about the same as the probability of the invention of a time machine that allows us to view it.

<input type=submit value="border-width=d" " />

Posts by jdporter
Another interview with our illustrious founder (aka Slashdot is 25) in Perl News
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by jdporter
on Jul 31, 2023 at 10:49
Probabilities of drawing certain cards in Meditations
3 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by jdporter
on Jan 06, 2023 at 12:33

    This shows the probabilities of drawing two specific cards (labeled A and B) in a hand of five cards, from decks of various sizes.

    All numbers are percentages.

    When the deck contains no 'draw' cards:

    Deck sizeA & BA & !BA ^ BA | B

    When the 'A' card causes Draw 1:

    Deck sizeA & BA & !BA ^ BA | B

    The probabilities of other combinations can be derived from those given in this table:

    • A | !B (A or not B - possibly both conditions) is the inverse of A & !B.
    • A ^ !B (A or not B but NOT both conditions) is the inverse of A ^ B.
    • !A & !B (neither A nor B) is the inverse of A | B
    • !A | !B (not A, or not B - possibly both conditions) is the inverse of A & B.
    • !A ^ !B (not A, or not B, but NOT both conditions) is logically the same as A ^ B.
How to get programming help in Meditations
7 direct replies — Read more / Contribute
by jdporter
on May 23, 2022 at 11:21
    "Every time I have a programming question and I rly need help, I post it on PerlMonks and then log into another account and reply to it with an obscenely incorrect answer. Ppl don’t care about helping others but they LOVE correcting others. Works 100% of the time"
    -- @soychotic
In Praise of Web 1.0 in Meditations
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by jdporter
on Dec 15, 2021 at 13:39

    The Web Is F**ked, by Kev Quirk

    Web 1.0 wasn’t just about personal blogs, GeoCities and scrolling marquees. Oh no, dear reader. We had our own version of social media back in the day - the web forum.

    They were fantastic pieces of software that allowed communities to come together, discuss specific topics and generally hang out.

    If you read no other part of it, I encourage you to

    Familiarise yourself with POSSE and make your site the single source of truth for all your online content.
Perl/Raku community involvement survey in Perl News
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by jdporter
on Jul 16, 2021 at 13:53

    Episodic Volunteering in Free/Libre/Open Source (FLOSS) Communities - a survey by kudra

    TPF announcement

    ... research to understand episodic, or occasional, participation in the Perl and Raku communities... The results of the research will be provided as a TPF report and will assist the community in improving practices for managing episodic participation to provide insights into what FLOSS projects could do to become more sustainable.
TPF's Marketing Strategy for the Next Two Years in Perl News
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by jdporter
on May 20, 2021 at 15:56

    This is actually from last August, but I haven't come across it until today.

    Marketing Strategy for the Next Two Years (

    The question for us, I think is: What impact will this have on PerlMonks? Will we be required to modify/restrict our "look and feel" to conform to the branding guidelines set by TPF?

    I reckon we are the only monastery ever to have a dungeon staffed with 16,000 zombies.
Banal Configuration Languages in Meditations
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by jdporter
on Feb 26, 2021 at 14:10

    This is so great, I have to share it here. This guy nails it on the head. (Spring, we're looking at you.)

    I suspect a lot of abuse of config files comes from moving logic out of source code for bad reasons. There are good reasons for not hard-coding, say, ports and service endpoints in your source code, because it makes it easier to run the code in different environments. However, there are also bad reasons for taking things out of code. A couple that I have encountered:

    Pride in creating a "generic" system that can be configured to do all kinds of new things "without touching the code." Reality check: only one or two programmers understand how to modify the config file, and changes have to go through the same life cycle as a code change, so you haven't gained anything. You've only made it harder to onboard new programmers to the project.

    Hope that if certain logic is encoded in config files, then it can never get complicated. Reality check: product requirements do not magically become simpler because of your implementation decisions. The config file will become as expressive as necessary to fulfill the requirements, and the code to translate the config file into runtime behavior will become much more complex than if you had coded the logic directly.

    Hope that you can get non-programmers to code review your business logic. Reality check: the DSL you embedded in your config file isn't as "human readable" as you think it is. Also, they're not going to sign up for a Github account and learn how to review a PR so they can do your job for you.

    Marketing your product as a "no code" solution. Reality check: none for you; this is great! Your customers, on the other hand, are going to find out that "no code" means "coding in something that was never meant to be a programming language."
The Perl Foundation responds to the Raku rename in Perl News
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by jdporter
on Jan 10, 2020 at 13:30

    The Perl Foundation (TPF) exists to support the Perl community and all the people within our community, including the newly renamed Raku; the name change doesn’t alter the nature of our involvement or support with Raku.

    The Grants Committee will continue to accept grant proposals for Perl 5, Raku, and other Perl-family projects work as before.

    TPF will continue to encourage development of Perl and Raku events, workshops and hackathons and generally support the global communities.

    The Perl Conference (TPC) will also continue to accept presentation proposals for all Perl-family languages, including Perl 5 and Raku.

    Read the full press release.

    I reckon we are the only monastery ever to have a dungeon stuffed with 16,000 zombies.
(OT) Your Dream OS in Meditations
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by jdporter
on Apr 12, 2012 at 12:30

    Thinking about various operating systems and what makes them more or less preferable to others. So I'd like to put this question to you: If you could create a new OS with the best aspects of other existing systems — a "love child", if you will — what would it have? What are the things that set your favorite system(s) apart?

    I'm phrasing the survey like this:

    My ideal environment would have:

    • the    (noun)    of Linux,
    • the    (noun)    of Mac, and
    • the    (noun)    of Windows.


    My ideal environment would be:

    •    (adjective)    like Linux,
    •    (adjective)    like Mac, and
    •    (adjective)    like Windows.

    Feel free to use other systems (Plan9? VMS?) as you like, though I'm mainly interested in these "big 3".

    For myself, I think my ideal environment would have:

    • the simplicity, power, and FOSSitude of Linux,
    • the sane and elegant UX of Mac, and
    • the ubiquity (with all that entails — well, all the good stuff, anyway) of Windows.

    I reckon we are the only monastery ever to have a dungeon stuffed with 16,000 zombies.
New PerlMonks for Perl 6 - A Good Idea in Meditations
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by jdporter
on Jun 24, 2010 at 11:12

    I've decided that it really would be better for there to be a new, separate PerlMonks for Perl 6, when it goes mainstream.

    I know that, from a Perl 5 / Existing PerlMonks perspective, there are good arguments to be made for keeping the "Perl Community" unified. However:

    1. Having a separate site for Perl 6 does not imply that the Perl Community is fractured. As it is, there are plenty of Perl-related sites. What's one more? ;-)

    2. Looking forward to that glorious future when "Perl" means "Perl 6", it would be kind of a drag to have the principal Perl community site encumbered with so much Perl 5 baggage: multitudes of Q&A, documentation, tutorials, contributed code, etc., etc., pertaining to a language which is no longer of any interest but archeological.

    3. Perhaps most importantly, we are now more than painfully aware that the architecture of PerlMonks suffers from serious problems, flaws, and kludgities. In many ways, this is analogous to the situation with Perl 5 which inspired @Larry to rewrite the next version of Perl from scratch.

    I see the passing of the torch to Perl 6 as the perfect opportunity to re-invent PerlMonks as well. To make it new, better.

    So I propose that we, Perl Monks, officially, start drafting a roadmap, a spec, for a new PerlMonks. We want to capture everything that's good about PerlMonks, everything that makes it "work". And we also want to take note of what's bad, what's broken, so that we may consciously avoid those problems in the next version.

    One of the really great things about the current incarnation of PerlMonks is that the engine is written in Perl (5). The users of the language can maintain the site in their own language. (Or, to put it another way, the site's maintainers are drawn from the site's users.) It is a stellar example of a language community successfully eating their own dogfood. (And it may, conversely, go a long way toward explaining the failure of Java Junkies, for example.) Therefore:

    A Perl 6 community site should be written in Perl 6.

    Of course, this presumes the existence of a decent web site framework written in Perl 6...

    Hey Arunbear, if you got your ears on.... moritz mentioned that you were working on a rewrite from scratch. True? If so, what is the status of that? Even if it's comatose, perhaps you could contribute its roadmap or other foundational artifacts.

    What is the sound of Windows? Is it not the sound of a wall upon which people have smashed their heads... all the way through?
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    erzuuli‥ 🛈The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.