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There's more than one way to do things


by cavac (Parson)
on Mar 01, 2011 at 20:42 UTC ( [id://890813]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

About me

Geek, Software developer, owner of a simulated space agency.

And it seems i'm now a pmdev too. So if PerlMonks goes down or something is horribly messed up, you are free to blame me.

I maintain the chatterbot account that will take over last hour of cb at some point. It currently uses the dev page for testing: chatterbot dev page

Some of my writeups

Those are some of my more useful writeups, including some threads that show my step-by-step processes of developing stuff:

Re: Perl's not dead, and neither is the communityAge comparison of popular languages
Re: 80x25 ASCII text art in terminalUsing Curses, monochrome and basic colors
Imagecat - show color images in a terminalDisplay colorful images in text consoles (Using unicode)
Mixed value encodingObfuscated code with stuff learned from ImageCat
Re: Getting id of postgres record inserted via DBISometimes it's easy to solve a problem...
Custom date calculations using Date::ManipDoing math with Date::Manip to make a custom calender
GeoIP revisitedWorking with GeoIP data
Thoughts on new 'class' OO in upcoming perlHint: It's basically a good idea, but far from ready for production
Autoclicker! Cheating is winning, too!Another win for total lazyness!
Compiling and uploading a crontab to my RadioduinoParsing C headers and "compiling" a binary file
Interprocess messaging with Net::ClacksLet processes talk to each other

If your programs need to communicate with each other, head over to Net::Clacks. There is also a (slightly outdated) tutorial on PM: Interprocess messaging with Net::Clacks

Posting colorful low res images using only PerlMonks approved HTML tags? Yup. Re: Shameless plug and QR japh

Significant achievements on PerlMonks

  • 2011-03-01: Finally managed to register an account
  • 2011-03-28: Broke the 10-writeups barrier
  • 2011-03-29: Leveled up to Novice, missed vote fairy by an hour
  • 2011-04-02: First writeup with negative reputation. Installed think-before-posting output filter.
  • 2011-04-02: Leveled up to Acolyte by bribing the vote fairy
  • 2011-04-05: Leveled up to Sexton by not downvoting my own comments
  • 2011-04-10: Leveled up to Beadle after winning a game of poker against the reaper
  • 2011-04-10: Uploaded Photo
  • 2011-10-03: Leveled up to Scribe and stole the fire from the gods
  • 2011-11-05: Leveled up to Monk in exchange for selling some fire back to the gods
  • 2011-11-25: Broke the 100-writeups barrier
  • 2011-12-10: Leveled up to Pilgrim by actually helping others. I feel dirty.
  • 2011-12-25: Drunken Santa crashed sleigh into my house. Made me Friar for not calling the police. Can now approve and consider.
  • 2011-12-25: Approved my first node, meditation 945069.
  • 2011-12-31: Reached 1000 XP.
  • 2011-01-01 2012-01-01: Encountered first date/time bug of the leap year.
  • 2012-01-07: Broke the 200-writeups barrier
  • 2012-01-17: Leveled up to Hermit, I'm here to write code and chew bubble gum. And i'm all out of gum...
  • 2012-06-17: Reached 250 writeups. Seems to get harder over time.
  • 2012-06-28: Broke my left arm. Online discussion still possible, but not code writing.
  • 2012-07-14: Joined as the newest member of QandAEditors.
  • 2012-07-16: Leveled up to Chaplain due to an accounting error.
  • 2016-07-04: Leveled up to Deacon. That took longer than expected.
  • 2018-11-27: Leveled up to Curate. I'm now the 718th Saint on Perlmonks.
  • 2021-06-10: Wasn't careful and volunteered to help by accident. I'm a pmdev now. Yay, more unpaid work!
  • 2022-01-13: Damn. Leveled up to Priest. I should really stop writing those helpful comments.
  • 2023-03-20: Promoted to Vicar? Must be a bug.
  • 2023-11-25: erzuuli gave me a 1000XP for implementing chatterbot. Seems i'm now a Parson...?

Useful nodes

Here are some helpful node. Some are my own, actually.

NodeTitle or Des‎crip‎tionAuthor
939918Using Tab Completion on Windows in cmd.exeStamm
935499Reinventing the wheelcavac
9310453-byte representationgerleu
929344Embedded s‎crip‎ting sandbox? Lua?cavac
941905Poem "Perl(Hello World)"chacham
693828Yes, even you can use CPANTanktalus
128077A Guide to Installing Modulestachyon
376075brian's Guide to Solving Any Perl Problembrian_d_foy
919075Common Software Development Mistakeseyepopslikeamosquito
914899Hoss'ss Last Wordshossman
967433Radius with RFC conform OTP tokenscavac
945042Automation with X11::GUITestcavac
944371Turn a Website into a native application
Fixing MakeMaker on 64bit Linux
Cavac does text adventurecavac
976888Design elegance vs. getting the job done (the famous piggy bank example)cavac
976690Twas the night after Lulzsec (Perl vs. PHP)cavac
969030How to maintain a persistent connection over sockets? (Amazing! Multi-tasking without multi-tasking!)BrowserUk
116759Finite Automata Question Generatorsuaveant
980650Explaining the poorly documented ||= operatorlive4tech
130021Orcish Maneuver (caching expensive lookups in sort operations)AidanLee
26380The path to masterytilly

Interesting nodes

Here are some funny or "historically relevant" nodes. Most of them don't have "useful solutions to Perl problems", but are relevant in PM culture or just plain funny.

414465Funniest Nodes of 2004
4677Erudil, the master. Read all his posts!
499201"Most popular links on homenodes"
846Paco! He will return!

PM quotes (and a few other relevant ones)

Albannach882459That reminds me of something a senior engineer told me about 20 years ago on the topic of estimating effort: double your first number and go the the next larger unit. So if your first reaction is 30 seconds, better say 60 minutes. Four hours is more likely to be 8 days, and so on. I'm still crap at estimating individual task effort, but I'm much better at total project cost at least.
sundialsvc4935935Yes, it really depends upon your project’s DFQ (Dissected-Frog Quotient), followed by your cauldron-burn and fire-bubble. ;-)
CrowMST3K The MovieBelieve me, Mike, I calculated the odds of this succeeding against the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid… and I went ahead anyway.
Anonymous Monk11159623IOS is a very walled garden, which seems like a fine idea--for the kind of people who fingerpaint on half a computer.

Where to find me

There is always confusion on how to find me in the "real world". I don't understand why, i'm nearly always in my office at the monastery. It is on ground level, so you wont even have to climb stairs or anything. The layout of the monastery is simple enough, it has been agreed on by a fair vote all inhabitants. Most of it is even very well documented.

If you still can't find my office, here's the map:

                                               Enter monastery here  ⤋
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   ↑ My office


If you still can't find me, try to contact me online. Most likely i'll be able to help you out this way, too.

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