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Best Nodes of the Day, Week, Month, and Year

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By the way — Please don't upvote these nodes just because other monks thought they were good. If you do, their node reputations will increase — but then we won't really be showcasing the best nodes.

Best Nodes of The Day

# Node Author Rep
As of Feb 13, 2025 at 15:02 UTC, Next refresh in 1 hour ±15 min

Best Nodes of The Week

# Node Author Rep
1 Re: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? choroba 20
2 Re: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? Tux 18
3 Re: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? Fletch 18
4 Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? Anonymous Monk 18
5 Re: Anyone familiar with DBD:Mock? cLive ;-) 18
6 Re: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? roho 17
7 Re^2: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? ikegami 15
8 Anyone familiar with DBD:Mock? cLive ;-) 13
9 Re: Any caveats in using unpack to right-trim? Why isn't it advertised more? Anonymous Monk 12
10 Re: How do I find the missing curly brace?? naChoZ 12
As of Feb 13, 2025 at 11:17 UTC, Next refresh in 15 mins ±15 min

Best Nodes of The Month

# Node Author Rep
1 Re: Why does "flush filehandle" work? Fletch 27
2 Re: next unless not working Fletch 26
3 Re: Basic questions of Tk programming haj 26
4 Re: next unless not working jo37 24
5 Re: dereferencing question ikegami 24
6 Re: next unless not working johngg 23
7 Re: Viewing the CPAN name space hierarchy hippo 23
8 Re: DBI supporting ed25519 ? Corion 22
9 Overloading tr/// operands jo37 22
10 Re: Naming a module that extracts subsets of a Linux system GrandFather 22
As of Feb 13, 2025 at 07:15 UTC, Next refresh in 16 hours ±15 min

Best Nodes of The Year

# Node Author Rep
1 DBI revived Tux 52
2 Re: Why is using binmode on a file handle 77 times slower than just closing it and re-opening? choroba 41
3 The recent outage Co-Rion 41
4 Re: Interrupting a loop choroba 41
5 Re: Perl doesn't give error when module is not found 2 choroba 41
6 Re: Returning to Perl after almost 3 decades talexb 40
7 DuckDuckGo Donates $25,000 to The Perl and Raku Foundation marto 39
8 Re: Issue of formatting columns of data choroba 38
9 Re: Returning to Perl after almost 3 decades NERDVANA 38
10 Re: Perl doesn't give error when module is not found choroba 38
11 Re: Calling a sub without enclosing its argument inside brackets ikegami 38
12 Re: Does perl have a builtin limit to the size of shared memory segments I can write to? NERDVANA 37
13 List::Gen revivified jo37 37
14 "Terminal Velocity", a better Linux terminal graphics demo cavac 37
15 Re: Does anyone use Perl on Windows? Discipulus 36
16 Does anyone use Perl on Windows? stevieb 36
17 Generate random strings from regular expression bliako 36
18 Re: catch "use Inline::C" death Corion 36
19 Re: CPAN test suites with SQL Corion 36
20 Re: Why does this compile? choroba 35
As of Feb 13, 2025 at 06:30 UTC, Next refresh in 15 hours and 15 mins ±15 min
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