Ive raised this a few levels up from where it originated so more monks subscribe...
What to do:
- Find out your Latitude and Longitude
- Put the correct HTML comment in your homenode
- Check the significant update box
- Wait a day for the stats site to parse the page
- Go have a look
- Find out :
If you're not sure of your latitude and longitude, use MapBlast to locate yourself.
It's a pretty decent interface, and you can get near yourself by starting with your ZipCode, or select your country if your non-U.S. Be sure to click the lat/long display in the upper left corner of the map to display the correct format lat/long. The correct format will have a small degree symbol to the right of the first number in both the latitude and longitude.
- Put in the comment :
All you have to do is put a HTML comment of the following format in your home node. The HTML comment can be anywhere you like in the text, EXCEPT embedded in another HTML comment.
<!-- Location:latitude=DDD.MM.SS,longitude=-DDD.MM.SS-->
The format MUST be [sign]DDD.MM.SS, where :
- DDD=degrees (000-179)
- MM=minutes (00-59)
- SS=seconds (00-59)
North latitudes use positive numbers, South latitudes use negative numbers.
East longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
- Check the significant update checkbox on your homenode :
- Wait....
The 'bot will only scan homenodes that appear in that list. This will minimize the server load, and will be checked once a day. If you remove the comment and set the checkbox,
jcwren will delete your entry from the database, so you can literally vanish from the face of the earth.
- Viewable at jcwren's Perl Monks Stat Page
Re: Put yourself on the Monk Map
by Rudif (Hermit) on Jan 12, 2001 at 02:29 UTC
Put yourself on the Monk Map made even easier ;-)
#! perl -w
use strict;
my $usage = <<__EOT__;
$0 [<latitude> <longitude>] [-test]
Converts latitude and longitude (in degrees) to format suitable for Mo
-test runs selftest
my ($lat, $lon, $test) = (0, 0, 0);
if (@ARGV == 2) {
($lat, $lon) = @ARGV;
elsif (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-test') {
$test = 1;
else {
die $usage;
if ($test) {
else {
printf "%s\n", ll2monkmap ($lat, $lon);
sub ll2monkmap {
my ($lat, $lon) = @_;
sprintf "%12.5f%12.5f <!-- Location:latitude=%s,longitude=%s-->"
+, $lat, $lon, dec2degminsec($lat), dec2degminsec($lon);
sub dec2degminsec {
my $dec = shift;
while ($dec < -180) {
$dec += 360;
while ($dec > 180) {
$dec -= 360;
my $neg = $dec < 0;
$dec = - $dec if $neg;
my $deg = int $dec;
$dec -= $deg;
$dec *= 60;
my $min = int $dec;
$dec -= $min;
$dec *= 60;
my $sec = int $dec;
sprintf "%s%03d.%02d.%02d", $neg ? "-" : "", $deg, $min, $sec;
sub selftest {
my @angles = ( -360, -270, -180, -90, 0, 90, 180, 270, 360 );
my @deltas = ( -0.445, 0, 0.555 );
for my $d (@deltas) {
for my $a (@angles) {
my $x = $a+$d;
my $str = dec2degminsec($x);
my $strll = ll2monkmap($x, $x);
print "$strll\n";
Author: rudif@bluemail.ch
46.20832 6.14296 <!-- Location:latitude=046.12.29,longitude=
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RE: Put yourself on the Monk Map (simpler lat/lon finder)
by ybiC (Prior) on Nov 01, 2000 at 08:23 UTC
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RE: Put yourself on the Monk Map
by adamsj (Hermit) on Oct 20, 2000 at 20:47 UTC
What the heck, I'm a co-operative kind of a guy. But let me ask you something: I put both my locations in (and how can I be in two places at once? Simple--I'm not anywhere at all) in two separate comments--have I broken anything? | [reply] |
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Re: Put yourself on the Monk Map
by pmas (Hermit) on Jun 11, 2001 at 22:22 UTC
I believe this node should be linked right next to "Location" on "Edit your user preferences" page. Obviously, only in case if you want monks to enter this info... : )
To make errors is human. But to make million errors per second, you need a computer. | [reply] |
You can't put yourself on the Monk Map with MapBlast anymore (I think)
by adamsj (Hermit) on Feb 08, 2002 at 01:14 UTC
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Actually, "Your Flag Decal won't get you into Heaven anymore" was written and sung by John Prine.
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Re: Put yourself on the Monk Map
by BazB (Priest) on Dec 14, 2001 at 18:59 UTC
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Re: Put yourself on the Monk Map
by naikonta (Curate) on Apr 24, 2007 at 04:54 UTC
Latitude: -6.616154
Longitude: 106.816305
But I think I miss the minute and second parts. So, I downloaded a script written by Rudif, and fed it with those numbers:
$ monkmap -6.616154 106.816305
-6.61615 106.81630 <!-- Location:latitude=-006.36.58,longitude=1
Well, it looks pretty nice :-) Now before I put that comment tag on my homenode, I'd like to know if it's the meat the parser that runs at 3.30 am EST is looking for, I think I still have a few hours.
So please help this poor soul and ensure him that the information is correct so he can tell his family and friends that there's a little red with his name on that BigMonkMap.
Well, I wish I could upvote on jcwren for this excellent work/hack!
Open source softwares? Share and enjoy. Make profit from them if you can. Yet, share and enjoy!
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You don't have to wait for the daily scan anymore: you can use this form to scan just your home itself.
Pity google maps isn't much of a help in this case, because it doesn't have even a low-scale map of your country.
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Thank you, ambrus. I was on the form before, and it got it wrong because, well, because I had no that lat/long tag yet. Fortunately you remind me about it :-) Due to careless copy/paste under excitement, I fed the scanner with:
<!-- Location:latitude=-006.36.58,longitude=1
It gave me,
Argument "1+06" isn't numeric in abs at /home/system/perlmonks/monkmapper.pl line 839.
Node 607636 has a valid location tag (latitude=-006.36.58,longitude=1 +06.48.58)
This is only a warning, but I think it can be useful to jcwren or someone maintains the script.
Anyway, that wrong input let BigMonkMap put me on the middle of nowhere around Atlantic Ocean. And I guess it was about 20-30 dots away from one of African coasts. But now, I can tell my kids that their dad's on the map. A special map that is one of its kind. And somehow it makes me really think that I'm really nothing but a single red dot .....
Well, shall we?
Open source softwares? Share and enjoy. Make profit from them if you can. Yet, share and enjoy!
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