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Perl Monks Approved HTML tags

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Tag Attributes
a href, name, target, class, title, rel
abbr title
b (none)
big (none)
blockquote class, cite, lang, dir
br1 /
c2 (none)
caption class
center (none)
code2 (none)
col align, col, span, width, class
colgroup align, col, span, width, class
dd (none)
del class, datetime, cite
details open
div class
dl (none)
dt (none)
em (none)
font1 size, color, class
h11 class, align
h21 class, align
h3 class, align
h4 class, align
h5 class, align
h6 class, align
hr /
i (none)
ins class, datetime, cite
li value
ol type, start
p align, class
pre1 class
readmore3 title
small (none)
span class, title
spoiler4 (none)
strike (none)
strong (none)
sub (none)
sup (none)
table width, cellpadding, cellspacing, border, bgcolor, class
tbody width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan, bgcolor, height, class
td width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan, bgcolor, height, class
tfoot width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan, bgcolor, height, class
th width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan, bgcolor, height, class
thead width, align, valign, colspan, rowspan, bgcolor, height, class
tr width, align, valign, colspan, bgcolor, height, class
tt class
u (none)
ul type
wbr5 /

1These tags are discouraged, for stylistic reasons. And <pre> should be eschewed in favor of <code> (see next).

2<code> and <c>, used for displaying code/data, are not true HTML tags, but are interpreted by the PerlMonks engine. They inhibit the normal interpretation of enclosed HTML special characters like <, >, &, [, and ]. Any newlines in the enclosed code will be rendered such that long lines wrap. Like HTML, <code> and <c> tags are case ignored. Unlike HTML, whitespace is not allowed inside (e.g., < code > will not be recognized), and they must have a matching closing tag (</code> or </c>) for them to work. It is not possible to enclose </code> within a <code> block, nor </c> in a <c> block; they would be taken as block closers instead.

3readmore, used for abbreviating very long posts within the context of other posts, is not a true HTML tag, but is interpreted by the PerlMonks engine. A readmore block is rendered as a <div class="readmore"> block when viewing the node directly, and as a "Read more..." placeholder link otherwise. The link is to a page where you are viewing the node directly, thus displaying the full content. Unlike HTML, whitespace is not allowed inside (e.g., < readmore > will not be recognized). If a matching closing tag (</readmore>) is not given, the readmore block is taken to extend to the end of the body of your post.

4spoiler, used for hiding spoilers, is not a true HTML tag, but is interpreted by the PerlMonks engine. Each reader can choose how spoiler blocks will be rendered.

5The <wbr> HTML element is used to indicate a suggested word-break point for wrapping long strings with no whitespace. See documentation at the W3C.

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