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IRC<->CB Relay Bot

by OverlordQ (Hermit)
on Dec 03, 2003 at 00:52 UTC ( [id://311802]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Update: Renamed node and edited description.

It's still really really dirty. It's one of my 'better' scripts, I know there's probably alot of things I could do better, so I do appreciate any feedback. What it does is relay chat between an IRC Channel and the PM Chatterbox. I cleaned out most of my debug code that I had left in, but just commented out. And I started implementation of some sort of HTML filter, but I haven't had a chance to finish it up to make it more 'IRC-friendly'
#!/usr/bin/perl ###### # Copyright (C) 2003 Brent Garber # #This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or #modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License #as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 #of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # #This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 +, USA. ##### use warnings; use strict; use POE; use POE::Component::IRC; use POE::Component::Client::HTTP; use XML::Simple; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST); use HTML::Entities; use HTML::Scrubber; use URI::Escape; use HTTP::Cookies; $|=1; my %GLOBAL = ( nick => 'CBRelay', server => '', port => '6667', username => 'PMRelay', ircname => 'I relay chat: PerlMonksCB <-> remnetworks', chan => '#PerlMonks', XMLURL => '', ); $GLOBAL{scrubber} = HTML::Scrubber->new( rules => [a => { href => 1, '*' => 0 } ], default => '0', ); $GLOBAL{cookie} = HTTP::Cookies->new( file => "$ENV{'HOME'}/lwp_cookie +s.dat", autosave => 1, ); POE::Component::IRC->new('remnet') or die "Can't create new: $!\n"; POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn( Alias => 'ua', ); POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn( Alias => 'pm', CookieJar => $GLOB +AL{cookie}, ); POE::Session->new ( _start => \&bot_start, irc_001 => \&on_connect, irc_public => \&on_public, irc_notice => \&on_notice, irc_msg => \&on_priv, get_xml => \&get_xml, got_response => \&got_response, login_response => \&login_response, post_response => \&post_response, ); sub bot_start { my $kernel = $_[KERNEL]; my $heap = $_[HEAP]; my $session = $_[SESSION]; $kernel->post( remnet => register => "all" ); $kernel->post( remnet => connect => { Nick => "$GLOBAL{nick}", Username => "$GLOBAL{username}", Ircname => "$GLOBAL{ircname}", Server => "$GLOBAL{server}", Port => "$GLOBAL{port}", } ); get_xml(); $kernel->delay('get_xml', 20); } sub on_connect { $_[KERNEL]->post( remnet => join => "$GLOBAL{chan}" ); } sub on_priv { my ( $kernel, $who, $where, $msg ) = @_[ KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 +]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; print "I got message from $nick\n"; $GLOBAL{cookie}->clear; $GLOBAL{cookie}{COOKIES}{''}{'/'}{'userpass'} = $ +GLOBAL{users}{$nick}{cookie}; if($GLOBAL{users}{$nick}{cookie}) { print "$nick wants to send $msg\n"; $msg = uri_escape($msg); my $url = ' +essage&message=' . $msg . '&message_send=talk'; $kernel->post( pm => request => post_response => GET $url ); } else { print "Not logged in\n"; } } sub on_notice { my ( $kernel, $who, $where, $msg ) = @_[ KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 +]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; if($msg =~ /^\!login\s+(.+?)\s+(.+)/) { print "$nick wants to login with user: $1 and password: $2\n"; my $user = $1; my $password = $2; my $url = ' +=login&user=' . $user . '&passwd=' . $password . '&ircnick=' . $nick; $kernel->post( pm => request => login_response => GET $url ); } } sub on_public { my ( $kernel, $who, $where, $msg ) = @_[ KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2 +]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; my $channel = $where->[0]; my $ts = scalar(localtime); if ( $msg =~ /^data/ ) { foreach(@{$GLOBAL{xml}{message}}) { my $messageid = $_->{message_id}[0]; next if $GLOBAL{lastid} && $messageid <= $GLOBAL{lastid}; format_text($_->{text}[0]); my $message = "<$_->{author}[0]> $_->{text}[0]\n"; $kernel->post( remnet => privmsg => $GLOBAL{chan}, $messag +e ); } if($GLOBAL{xml}{message}->[0]->{message_id}[0]) { $GLOBAL{lastid} = $GLOBAL{xml}{message}->[-1]->{message_id +}[0]; } } } sub send_message { foreach(@{$GLOBAL{xml}{message}}) { my $messageid = $_->{message_id}[0]; next if $GLOBAL{lastid} && $messageid <= $GLOBAL{lastid}; my $text = format_text($_->{text}[0]); my $message = "$_->{author}[0]: $text\n"; $poe_kernel->post( remnet => privmsg => $GLOBAL{chan}, $messag +e ); } if($GLOBAL{xml}{message}->[0]->{message_id}[0]) { $GLOBAL{lastid} = $GLOBAL{xml}{message}->[-1]->{message_id}[0] +; } } sub format_text { my $text = $_[0]; decode_entities($text); $text = $GLOBAL{scrubber}->scrub($text); return $text; } sub post_response { print "Post Response\n"; my ( $heap, $request_packet, $response_packet ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, +ARG1 ]; my $http_response = $response_packet->[0]; } sub got_response { my ( $heap, $request_packet, $response_packet ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, +ARG1 ]; my $http_request = $request_packet->[0]; my $http_response = $response_packet->[0]{_content}; $GLOBAL{xml} = XMLin($http_response, ForceArray => 'message'); send_message(); $poe_kernel->delay('get_xml', 20); } sub login_response { print "Login\\Post Response\n"; my ( $heap, $request_packet, $response_packet ) = @_[ HEAP, ARG0, +ARG1 ]; my $http_request = $request_packet->[0]; my $http_response = $response_packet->[0]; my $irc = $request_packet->[0]{_uri}; $irc =~ /ircnick\=(.+)/i; $irc = $1; chomp($irc); $GLOBAL{users}{$irc}{cookie} = [ @{$GLOBAL{cookie}{COOKIES}{'www.p'}{'/'}{'userpass'}} ]; } sub get_xml { $poe_kernel->post( ua => request => got_response => GET $GLOBAL{XM +LURL} ); } $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0;

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Re: IRC/CB Bot
by diotalevi (Canon) on Dec 03, 2003 at 04:05 UTC
    You forgot to describe what your program is good for. You spent many lines on licensing and the quality of your code but completely neglected that part.
      Looking at the code, the script is an IRC gateway to/from the Perl Monks CB chat.

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