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Selected Nodes for newbiesTutorials read them, grok them or tye will hit you ;-) The Perl Monks Guide to the Monastery What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information? Writeup Formatting Tips Perl Monks Approved HTML tags Perl White Magic - Special Variables and Command Line Switches Guidance for a beginner with a bad reputation Frustrations with newbie questions Perverse Unreadable Code Everyone Hates Me Perl cheat sheet Why itīs stupid to use symbolic references (off-site) one hour Chatterbox history (off-site) pmplanet - where are all the monks? (off-site) Fun NodesFunniest Variable/Subroutine namesFrivolous function names Useless/Interesting Error Messages (Humor) A New Name for Perl 6 (humor) The first rule of The XP club is... NodeReaper out of control Off topic: lightbulb joke... Where is the boss? The Humor Thief Blinking a row Perl Humor (OT) Obfuscated Perl/Geek Humor I want my Perl humor... 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl (off-site) Get Out of a Dull Meeting Life at the Monastery. Chapter 1 (a must read) Life at the Monastery Chapter 2 (a must read) Life at the Monastery. Chapter 2 and a half The Personalities of Perl Monks - Part I Potty humour... PerlMonks Humor There's a level in Hell reserved for ________ The Daily Travels of a PerlMonk (Humour) Absolutely no way How do you wanna die() ? Call for Compiler Error Conundrums Ask the Dark Gods Re^4: Email form Perl Monks say the Darndest Things Programmers are weird Lately in the CB<Zagidi> right<Zagidi> Monitor blocks in inputs.conf is limited to messages, secure, cron, maillog, spooler, audit, audit.log Have other files in inputs.conf i do not want to change the indexes <holli]> You're not going to get better results if you keep repeating the same over and over <holli]> what's wrong with my code? <Zagidi> changing other file indexes <holli> no it doesnt. it only changes the sections given in the list <Zagidi> all the file start with monitor <holli> Are you using Google Translate for this? <Zagidi> No please <holli> But all your base does belong to them, right? <Zagidi> yes <hippo> :-D <g0n> .oO( who's ridding me of this Turbulent Project Manager?) holli rids g0n of this turbulent project manager <holli> there you are :-) <RazorbladeBidet> ... Holli's Pizzeria and Project Manager Disposal does it again! In 30 seconds or less! <schodckwm> RBB: lol, I think? g0n thanks Holli and carries on rolling cigarettes. herveus wonders when g0n will have to do public penance now... <Camel_thirst> Holli's fast garbage collection u mean? holli also hands g0n some spicefor his cigarettes <herveus> .oO(how closely does g0n resemble Peter O'Toole?) <holli> yeah. works as long as that Project Manager isn't a circular reference. <atcroft> atcroft decides it is better not to eat at that pizzeria, and wonders at a theory that would explain both the Soylent Green pizza topping and the disposal process..... <herveus> .oO(...and does his project manager resemble Richard Burton?) <diotalevi> Huh. Foo->() is merely alternative syntax for Foo(). I never knew that. <jZed> a man walks into a Bar->(), bartender says, did you know that arrow is redundant? <g0n> Intrepid ask holli, he's a dab hand at cat catching. <Nevtlathiel> I could get my co-worker to lure cats to you with cat-food soup and multiple tins of slamon and tuna <Intrepid> Yes! And then I could scopp them up, break their necks, skin them in front of everyone, and start putting the half-cooked cat meat into sterilized glass jars. I bet I make a million bucks. Intrepid realizes how upsetting that last send will be to some readers ;-) <Intrepid> I would, btw, never hurt a cat, ever. I am extremely fond of them and take fanatically good care of them. Detonite summons a dire cat, and sends it towards Intrepid. <Nevtlathiel> but would you hurt a cat <Detonite> Nev++ :) <Intrepid> When I was dating my gorgeous Alicia, one of them first things I did at her house was to establish a twice-weekly duty of cleaning her litter box for her cats ;-) DigitalKitty suddenly appears after being summoned and immediately walks in Intrepid's direction. Detonite double-checks his spellbook DigitalKitty casually mentions that she might just be an old lisp program designed to demonstrate machine learning and nobody from that academic year remembered to cancel her job. $ps -aux | grep katie... <Zaxo> I hadn't notithed the Lithp <theorbtwo> BTW, Intrepid, have you met planetscape yet? <planetscape> speak of the devil, and she shall appear ;-) <castaway> iek! <planetscape> muwahahahahaha! <bart> Germans are weird. <holli> declare yourself. <theorbtwo> I have nothing to declare except my brilliance. <andye> aFOO! andye is a geek with a cold. <rhesa> bless \$you Monks I've mettinitatphyahoo martinvi Corion reneeb Happy-the-monk sir_lichtkind Fengor jkva clinton g0n and many others I might not have recognized at YAPC::EU 2007 SainthoodAt April 1st 2005, 00:01 GMT (seriously, not a joke)<img src="" height="57" width="400" /> matra555 injunjoel perlsen ZlR stevenrh Tanktalus jbrugger knoebi SamCG frankied xorl holli r34d0nl1 sh1tn K_M_McMahon hok_si_la LostS mpeters monkey_boy gube chas Realbot esskar BioGeek Hero Zzyzzx manav betterworld jbrugger Murcia oakbox uksza abulafia Camel_thirst njcodewarrior jcoxen dhoss dbw sailortailorson |