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Editor Requests

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Here, you can post requests for action to the PerlMonks site janitors. However, this normally should not be necessary, and is considered a route of last resort.

This feature is deprecated -- in fact, so deprecated that the form for posting no longer exists on this page.

Instead, use one of the suggestions below, after reviewing What do Janitors do?.

The preferred way to make such requests is through the consideration process. However, you must be Friar in order to do that. Monks of lower levels need other means.

The next best way is probably to enter the chatterbox, see if there are any janitors about, and discuss the matter with them. Even if there are no janitors chatting in the cb, there will almost certainly be some Friars who can create the consideration for you.

Failing even that, we suggest that you simply /msg janitors with your request. They will see it in their inbox.

If all of the above fail to get your request noticed by the janitors, posting here probably won't work either. :-)

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