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Eaby Ea (Chaplain) |
on Jun 15, 2001 at 14:45 UTC ( [id://88743]=user: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
At YAPC::Europe-2.0.01, I watched members (plural) of the London Perl Mo[u]ngers demonstrate that a butterknife can draw blood and discovered The Joy of Test Data Science with PerlI've been thinking about this issue for a while. Ovid's blog post got me sending a few emails to see if we can round up enough speakers for a Data Science stream (and all things numerical) at the coming London Perl Workshop in 2020 (link points to 2019).Currently, I'm thinking of including PDL, AI, Stats modules in CPAN and Raku. I'll try to drag in a talk from a Data Scientist on using Python, if I can. /msg me if you're interested. Modules that I've had my fingers in (or have been dreaming of writing)
I'm not the only one to think that there are too many modules to sift through to find The Right Way To Do It and PrePAN might be the start of a half-decent fitness function. Sorry, I should have looked at CPAN Ratings the secret hiding place for the Whole Year Full of Perl - a manifestoAs a result of Putting Perl Back on Top in the Fields of Scientific and Financial Computing, I argue that to reclaim its rightful place as the Pinnacle of Programming languages, the community needs to add more shiny to its reputation or face stagnation as people drift off to more exciting stuff. It has been a decade since the Perl Success Stories archive has been updated. Have there been no further successes? Is this an acceptable state of affairs for a living, vibrant language? Why should I care? These apathetic attitudes the community can turn around by making the Year of Perl 6 into a Whole Year Full of Perl.Imagine this, a new story about Perl every week for a year - 52 success stories covering the entire gamut of Life and Programming. Eye candy on the websites, easy to use examples and galleries of goodness. I see press packs, biding their time, waiting to be released upon an unsuspecting technical press such as Slashdot, Ars Technica, The Register and more. I had a list around here somewhere, but for now I foresee articles around the themes of the YAPC's or mining PerlSphere:
Verily, the major debate on programming languages should not be Perl vs Python. It should be Perl 6 vs Perl 5. We need to remember that marketing is not a dirty word. I'm not the only one ... and Perl has half the bugs of Python. MojoliciousI've been going through the Mojocasts by Glen Hinkle and been won over. To me THIS is what the community should be doing -- distilled Laziness with a Hubris chaser. Not only have they built something that takes the heavy lifting out of web programming, they've made it accessible to grunts like me who haven't looked at new techniques for a decade. Granted, I did have to bend my brain a bit to wrap it around the concepts. The documentation didn't make sense until I watched the first Mojocast.Scientific PerlHey look, Joel Berger has the same attitude that Perl should be used for Science I especially like the points that the test suite features should be promoted in science to verify that software is producing accurate results. Plot.ly is trying to make displaying data beautiful by running a graphing competition. (interesting idea on drumming up interest). Oh, and mxb is driving RFC: 100 PDL Exercises (ported from numpy)Notes for me:wq |