RazorbladeBidet has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
While working on a program, I was using some hashes in various places. Declaring it in one place with default data and appending to it at a later point.
My question is this: There is a "." operator for concatenation strings (scalars), correct? Is there any equivalent to this for hashes?
my %hash = ( a => 'b' );
# do stuff
%hash .= ( e => 'f', g => 'h', i => 'j' );
instead of the semi-tedious
$hash{'e'} = 'f';
$hash{'g'} = 'h';
$hash{'i'} = 'j';
or the seemingly ineffecient (?)
my @vals = qw( f h j );
my $i = 0;
$hash{$_} = $vals[$i++] foreach qw( e g i );
also, how about combining hashes? If not, what method is best for this? Would it be prudent to overload operators to include this kind of functionality (., .=) for hashes?
This is mostly just to satisfy curiosity and, of course, to learn as much as possible :)
"But what of all those sweet words you spoke in private?"
"Oh that's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that's all."
Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by Zaxo (Archbishop) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:31 UTC
%hash = (%hash, e => 'f', g => 'h', i => 'j');
%hash = (%otherhash, %hash);
Order matters; the last instance of a key/value pair is the one that sticks to the key.
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This is actually really, really useful. People often ask the question "how do I store a value in a hash only if it's a new value?". Here's the answer.
Feel the white light, the light within
Be your own disciple, fan the sparks of will
For all of us waiting, your kingdom will come
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Yeah, but I don't like it. I don't like assigning X to itself like the example does. I'd prefer a slightly long-winded approach:
$hash{$_} = $otherhash{$_} for grep !exists $hash{$_}, keys %otherhash
my @new_keys = grep !exists $hash{$_}, keys %otherhash;
@hash{@new_keys} = @otherhash{@new_keys};
Jeff japhy Pinyan,
P.L., P.M., P.O.D, X.S.:
and perl
How can we ever be the sold short or the cheated, we who for every service have long ago been overpaid? ~~ Meister Eckhart
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Thanks for that one Zaxo (among others), I hadn't thought of these ; but is there any way to eliminate the redundancy of flattening the hash in
%hash = (%hash, e => 'f', g => 'h', i => 'j');
"But what of all those sweet words you spoke in private?"
"Oh that's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that's all."
| [reply] [d/l] |
<%hash = (%hash, e => 'f', g => 'h', i => 'j');
<%hash = (%otherhash, %hash);
This code reminds me of writing the comma operator in this way: ",=", so to concatenate a hash:
my %hash1 =qw/ One 1 Two 2 Three 3/;
my %hash2 =qw/ Four 4 Five 5 Six 6/;
%hash1 ,= %hash2;
say keys %hash1;
And I've checked it, it works in Perl6, the future version of Perl.
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by friedo (Prior) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:26 UTC
For this type of thing I generally use slices.
@hash{qw( f h j )} = @vals[0..2];
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by artist (Parson) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:31 UTC
my %hash = ( a => 'b' );
# do stuff
%hash = (%hash, e => 'f', g => 'h', i => 'j' );
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by inq123 (Sexton) on Mar 24, 2005 at 18:20 UTC
Note that %combined = (%hash1, %hash2); suffers from performance penalty. If performance's a concern, it's always better to do map { $hash1{$_} = $hash2{$_} } keys %hash2; (unless you want to keep %hash1 and %hash2 intact, which doesn't seem to be the case in your question)
use Benchmark;
my $size = 100000;
my %hash1 = map { $_ => 1 } (0..$size);
my %hash2 = map { $_ => 1 } ($size..(2*$size));
my $t0 = new Benchmark;
my %combined = (%hash1, %hash2);
my $t1 = new Benchmark;
print "Combining took:",timestr(timediff($t1, $t0)),"\n";
$t0 = new Benchmark;
map { $hash1{$_} = $hash2{$_} } keys %hash2;
my $t1 = new Benchmark;
print "Map took:",timestr(timediff($t1, $t0)),"\n";
When size = 100000 and 1000000 respectively, the results:
inq123@perlmonks$ perl test.pl
Combining took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.28 usr + 0.02 sys = 0.30 CPU)
Map took: 0 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.18 CPU)
inq123@perlmonks$ perl test.pl
Combining took:42 wallclock secs (41.53 usr + 0.21 sys = 41.74 CPU)
Map took: 2 wallclock secs ( 1.89 usr + 0.05 sys = 1.94 CPU)
So performance penalty is manifested when the hashs contain tens of thousands of elements, which is not too rare. | [reply] [d/l] |
General advice. Just because there are many ways to do it in Perl is not a reason for picking a less readable one. If you are not returning data from map, then you should write it like this:
$hash1{$_} = $hash2{$_} for keys %hash2;
That is easier to read, and much more clearly signals intent. It is also at least as fast as the map version. (It used to be a lot faster, but in Perl 5.8 there is an optimization that causes map to shortcircuit to become a for if it is in null context.)
Furthermore performance is far less likely to matter than most people think, and when it does having micro-optimized as you went is generally a bad strategy for getting it. (You want to keep code clean and then look for a better algorithm, or move a small section into C.) Therefore I would generally use the following strategy because it is even clearer, even though it is marginally slower on my machine (about 10% so):
@hash1{keys %hash2} = values %hash2;
And, of course, in the rare case that performance really mattered and I really wanted to work in Perl, it is fastest to avoid having to do 2 sets of hash lookups on %hash2:
$combined{$k} = $v while my ($k, $v) = each %hash2;
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by japhy (Canon) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:53 UTC
The problem is that Perl doesn't abstract the concept of appending for its various containers (scalars, arrays, and hashes), because Perl isn't inherently OO. I don't know if Perl 6 is going this route, where you could say:
And in the same vein, perhaps:
In recent Perls, we can write this as:
# append($x, $y) appends $y to $x
# etc.
# prepend() left as a simple exercise to the reader
sub append (\[$@%]\[$@%]) {
use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
use Carp qw( croak );
my ($l, $lt, $r, $rt) = map { $_, reftype($_) } @_;
if ($lt eq $rt) {
if ($lt eq 'SCALAR') {
$$l .= $$r;
elsif ($lt eq 'ARRAY') {
push @$l, @$r;
elsif ($lt eq 'HASH') {
@$l{keys %$r} = values %$r;
else {
croak "append($lt,$rt) not implemented";
else {
croak "append($lt,$rt) not implemented";
I'd expect friction coming from the "what does append/prepend mean for hashes?" faction, but I'd say it's a matter of precedence. Appending to a hash, when there are duplicate keys, uses the new values, and prepending would use the old values.
Jeff japhy Pinyan,
P.L., P.M., P.O.D, X.S.:
and perl
How can we ever be the sold short or the cheated, we who for every service have long ago been overpaid? ~~ Meister Eckhart
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by sh1tn (Priest) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:35 UTC
#basically the same:
%h_1 = (a,1,b,2);
%h_2 = (c,3,d,4);
%concat = (%h_1,%h_2);
print "k: $_\tv: $concat{$_}\n" for sort keys %concat;
k: a v: 1
k: b v: 2
k: c v: 3
k: d v: 4
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by manav (Scribe) on Mar 24, 2005 at 16:53 UTC
The above solutions rely on interpreting the hash in a list context, in which it returns all its key value pairs flattened out. for eg, see the below code
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my %hash=('a'=>'b','c'=>'d') ;
my @arr=(%hash) ;
local $"="|" ;
print "@arr" ;
which spews out
flattens out the key value pairs of %hash into a list. Hence it reduces to
So on and so forth for code like
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Re: Concerning hash operations (appending, concatenating)
by BUU (Prior) on Mar 24, 2005 at 21:09 UTC
Duh, just use array_merge from "Array-PAT", which I've reproduced below for your convience:
sub array_merge{
my(@array1, @array2) = @_;
foreach my $element (@array2){
@array1 = (@array1, $element);
return @array1;
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my(@array1, @array2) = @_;
So this line will magically split @_ into two parts, the first part will go into @array1 and contain the whole contents of @_, @array2 will be empty.
foreach my $element (@array2){
@array1 = (@array1, $element);
Good thing this loop never executes as its a pretty inefficient way to add elements to an array. Perhaps the author has never heard of push.
So this entire subroutine could be replaced by:
sub array_merge{ @_ };
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Of course it's a joke.
Good lord.
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