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cb stats

by chatterbot (Initiate)
on Nov 21, 2023 at 14:19 UTC ( [id://11155739]=document: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Chatterbox statistics, derived from cavac's chatterbox database.

Last updated: 2025-02-17 23:23:58 UTC

The statistics analyzer considers all messages posted within the last 7 days.

Big Numbers

Type Analysis
 Happiness  choroba expressed happyness 1 times.
Our dear Discipulus was nearly as happy, but only smiled 1 times.
 Sadness  hippo cried at least 1 times.
 Thoughtfulness  No monks expressed their thoughtfulness!
 Inquisitive  Discipulus asked 4 questions.
choroba was't as inquisitive, only seeking 2 answers.
 Loudness  3 times, Discipulus used their loud voice to make statements.
choroba only banged their fist on the table 2 times.
 Inner thoughts  At least 1 times, choroba voiced their inner thoughts in chat.
Discipulus was watching YouTube and only had creative thoughts 1 times.
 Agressive  No monks expressed their anger!
 Party pooper  Discipulus destroyed 5 converstations.
Nearly as bad was choroba. They stopped the discussions 3 times.
 Conversation Starter  Discipulus started 5 converstations.
choroba was nearly as lonely and started 3 new discussions.
 Deep Sleep  Thanks to Discipulus, chat woke up after, 69 hours.
marto was a little more impatient, letting chat only sleep 23 hours.
 Long lines  erix wrote the longest lines with 80.5 characters.
choroba tried to keep up, but only managed an average of 73.16 characters.
 Short lines  Tux wrote the shortest lines with 8 characters.
marto tried to be as concise, but failed with an average of 24.66 characters.
 Talkative  choroba was very talkative and typed a total of 178 words.
Discipulus tried to get a word in edgewise with, only managed to write 116 words.
 Monologue  Supervillain choroba gave a 4 line monologue.

Nodes with the highest karma

Node Karma

Nodes with the worst karma

Node Karma

Top karma givers

User Interactions

This weeks karma reasons

Link Karma Reason

User watch

User Comment
paco Paco was last seen 25 years ago, but he will return!
GrandFather As always, GrandFather was busy doling out wisdom, only 1 hour ago.
LanX Only 14 hours ago, LanX was seeking knowledge in the Monastery.
cavac Chatterbot creator was last seen rummaging around in my brain about 8 hours ago.
erzuuli 2 hours ago, erzuuli was caught sneakily adding features to the Monastery.

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