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Unused accounts zombified

by demerphq (Chancellor)
on Jan 14, 2006 at 00:57 UTC ( [id://523120]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Ok, at long last we've done a sweep of old unused or never used accounts. The accounts have been retyped to zombie_user and renamed (names prefixed with 'Zombie ') so that the original names are freed up again for new users. This should restore about 100 "cool" user names so get 'em while they are hot ;-)

Anyway, the criteria for "zombification" was that the user had no writeups, had XP<5 and hadn't been here since 2004-01-01, or had never been here at all.

Unfortunately I managed to screw things up right at the end, so I had to do some fixing from backups which means a few of the Zombies have lost their titles. I can't do anything about it, sorry. Luckily this is about five nodes so its not such a big deal. This may also mean some new users who didn't follow up on their mails quickly enough also lost their account, they should just choose a new account if they really want to stick around. There are a lot more user names to choose from now. :-)

Anyway, for anybody who owned one of these users and is surprised it's missing, please let the gods know somehow or other and we will raise you from the dead, so to speak.

You know, I reckon we are now the only monastery ever that had a dungeon stuffed with sixteen thousand zombies. :-)

Update:There were some users that got zombified that shouldn't have been. Those have been raised from the dead.


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Unused accounts zombified
by demerphq (Chancellor) on Jan 14, 2006 at 16:24 UTC

    If anybody cares here is a Level/user count and XP/user count breakdown following zombification. Exp in this case is CEIL(XP/10)*10.

    Initiate 11518 Novice 3456 Acolyte 1218 Sexton 643 Beadle 547 Scribe 547 Monk 337 Pilgrim 387 Friar 276 Hermit 194 Chaplain 162 Deacon 90 Curate 165 Priest 90 Vicar 53 Parson 40 Prior 30 Monsignor 18 Abbot 12 Canon 8 Chancellor 5 Bishop 5 Archbishop 3

      1007010 1
      This looks suspiciously like vroom, so I suppose
      -1002950 1
      must be Charlie Stross?

      Oh, and your post reminds me of #3559.

        That’s antivroom.

        Makeshifts last the longest.

Re: Unused accounts zombified
by Tanktalus (Canon) on Jan 14, 2006 at 15:40 UTC

    In other words, the next time you're sent down to the cellars to get a bottle of wine, bring along a holy symbol. Better yet, also bring along some holy water - if they ignore your holy symbol, threaten them with the water. You never know when one of them will escape the lowest levels of the dungeons and wander into the cellar...

    Or just send someone else in your stead. I think I'll send tye.


    (It was bad enough having one undead roaming the monastary .... now we have thousands? My next bath will be holy water, I think.)

Re: Unused accounts zombified
by Aristotle (Chancellor) on Jan 14, 2006 at 03:50 UTC
      You don't have access to that node. Tough beans.

      Just curious - what's supposed to be in there?

        A list of all the zombies.


Re: Unused accounts zombified
by Anonamous Monk (Novice) on Jan 14, 2006 at 08:36 UTC

    Sixteen thousand zombies? Sounds like the name of a band...

Re: Unused accounts zombified
by whio (Beadle) on Jan 14, 2006 at 12:26 UTC
    The accounts have been retyped to zombie_user and renamed (names prefixed with 'Zombie ') so that the original names are freed up again for new users. This should restore about 100 "cool" user names so get 'em while they are hot ;-)

    You say that cool names are free now, but what about the Zombie Flanders? ;-)

    "He was a zombie?"

Re: Unused accounts zombified
by wazoox (Prior) on Jan 15, 2006 at 21:38 UTC
    What a relief ! I see you didn't rename paco...
      Considering paco fails two out of the three required criteria for zombification, I wonder why you find this surprising.
      Perl --((8:>*
        You're right, actually I guess I'm confusing paco with some other user, with a parrot picture in is home node, who is it ?
Re: Unused accounts zombified
by erzuuli (Cannon) on May 04, 2021 at 17:30 UTC

    Update: I've recently completed another round of unused account zombification, adding another 9,000 (approx.) zombies to the horde.

        I do think my predecessors should have used a term other than 'zombie', because 'zombie' implies that they do walk the earth. These are more like... mummies.

        I also want to be careful of how we talk about these things, because I believe we should be sensitive to the fact that some of our membership have in fact passed on.

Re: Unused accounts zombified
by Bod (Parson) on Nov 10, 2021 at 20:18 UTC
    Those have been raised from the dead

    Whilst renaming accounts, did you rename yours to Lazarus?

    Of more contemporary note, does this kind of cleanup still get done or was it only applied to 2-year-old accounts back in 2006?

      I do a similar cleanup ever year or so. Why?


        No reason beyond idle curiosity...

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