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accessor traits (Re: The Accessor Heresy)

by holli (Abbot)
on Nov 29, 2005 at 10:35 UTC ( [id://512564]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The Accessor Heresy

I like the idea of having Objects as accessors. It struck me that traits could be of use here. Here are two traits: The Getter:
package Class::Trait::TGetter; use strict; use warnings; use Class::Trait 'base'; sub get { my $self = shift; return $self->{object}->{$self->{property}}; } 1;
and the Setter:
package Class::Trait::TSetter; use strict; use warnings; use Carp; our $VERSION = '0.03'; use Class::Trait 'base'; #this doesnt work as expected #our %OVERLOADS = ( '=' => "set" ); sub set { my $self = shift; my $value = shift; if ( my $sub = $self->{validate} ) { if ( &$sub ($value) ) { #print "assign $value to $self->{property}\n"; $self->{object}->{$self->{property}} = $value; } else { croak "Illegal value assigned for property $self->{propert +y}"; } } else { #print "assign $value to $self->{property}\n"; $self->{object}->{$self->{property}} = $value; } } 1;
These are be "consumed" by a GetterSetter (There could also be a pure Getter and a pure Setter) class:
package GetterSetter; use strict; use warnings; use Class::Trait ( 'Class::Trait::TGetter' => {}, "Class::Trait::TSetter" => {} ); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {object=>shift, property=>shift, validate=>shift}; return bless $self, $class; } 1;
This class can be used by other classes as accessor:
package Person; use warnings; use strict; use GetterSetter; sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->age->set ( $args{age} || 0 ); $self->name->set ( $args{name} || "" ); return $self; } sub age { my $self = shift; # return GetterSetter with validation return GetterSetter->new($self, "age", sub { return $_[0] =~ /^[0- +9]+$/ }); } sub name { my $self = shift; # return GetterSetter without validation return GetterSetter->new($self, "name");; }
Now the Person class can be used
use Person; eval { my $p = Person->new(name => "holli", age => "30"); print $p->name->get, ", ", $p->age->get, "\n"; }; eval { my $p = Person->new(); $p->name->set("holli"); $p->age->set(30); print $p->name->get, ", ", $p->age->get, "\n"; }; #this croaks "Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call at..." #but shouldn't because the setter should be overloaded #Can you jump in [Ovid]? eval { my $p = Person->new(); $p->name = "holli"; $p->age = 30; print $p->name->get, ", ", $p->age->get, "\n"; }; print $@; #croaks "Illegal value assigned for property age..." eval { my $p = Person->new(name => "Santa Claus", age => "unknown"); print $p->name->get, ", ", $p->age->get, "\n"; }; print $@; #croaks "Illegal value assigned for property age..." eval { my $p = Person->new(); $p->name->set("Santa Claus"); $p->age->set ("unknown"); print $p->name->get, ", ", $p->age->get, "\n"; }; print $@;

holli, /regexed monk/

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Re: accessor traits (Re: The Accessor Heresy)
by Roy Johnson (Monsignor) on Nov 29, 2005 at 13:59 UTC
    Sweet! An OO interface where you don't have to roll everything by hand. This actually makes it practical to implement. I have not yet looked much at traits, but I am encouraged to do so.

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