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Re: HTML::Template macros

by thraxil (Prior)
on Dec 05, 2003 at 04:51 UTC ( [id://312427]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to HTML::Template macros

for populating <select>'s i use this sub:

sub selectify { my $values = shift; my $labels = shift; my $selected = shift; my %selected = map {$_ => 1} @{$selected}; return [map { { value => $_, label => shift @{$labels}, selected => $selected{$_} || "", } } @{$values}]; }

you use it in a script like:

$template->param(foo_loop => selectify(\@values,\@labels,\@selected));

and a template file like:

<select name="foo"> <tmpl_loop name="foo_loop"> <option value="<tmpl_var name="value">"<tmpl_if name="selected"> sel +ected="selected"></tmpl_if>> <tmpl_var name="label"> </option> </tmpl_loop> </select>

i usually have the stuff inside the <tmpl_loop> factored out into its own file so i can just do a <tmpl_include> anytime i have a select list. ie, this is what i you actually see all through my templates:

<select name="foo"> <tmpl_loop name="foo_loop"> <tmpl_include name="option.tmpl"> </tmpl_loop> </select>

update: fixed some unescaped entities.

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