go ahead... be a heretic | |
PerlMonks |
Re^6: Perl XAMPP DB Connect issue (Windows/Strawberry?)by Polyglot (Chaplain) |
on Jan 01, 2023 at 13:53 UTC ( [id://11149261]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Many so-called "upgrades" are actually downgrades--which was why I had italicized the word in my earlier remark. I'm aware that version 11 is newer; I just do not happen to prefer it. Regarding the DBD::mysql -- it appears I just needed to do all this a few years ago. It might have worked back then. I appreciate your help. Yes, I have been attempting to install from the source tarballs--haven't just copied anything in, unless unzipping the portable-format Strawberry Perl that I downloaded counts--version, FWIW. Blessings, ~Polyglot~
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