in reply to Catalyst component config

Again, the fine folks on #catalyst have helped my understanding. First off, what I'm trying to do is pretty wrong.

Instead of using $c->config, you just need to know that config values are rolled into the object hash during instantiation. So, $self->{foo} contains the config value. (Namespace collisions seem possible, and are on my list to investigate).

# in myapp.conf <Controller Foo> foo bar </Controller> # to use config in package MyApp::Controller::Foo; ... sub baz { my ($self, $c) = @_; # data from config $c->log->debug( $self->{foo} ); # logs 'bar' }

Optionally, with Moose accessors as suggested in the POD. (And I don't know much about Moose, so this may not be the best way.)

package MyApp::Controller::Foo; ... # foo accessor has 'foo' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', ); sub baz { my ($self, $c) = @_; # data from config $c->log->debug( $self->{foo} ); # logs 'bar' }

Update: and as I git cloned to suggest updates, I see updates to that section of the POD are already in the pipeline!

Update 2: The POD I should have read the whole time was Catalyst in the Cascading configuration section.