in reply to Can't use Win32 Perl to FTP - no Net::FTP for Win32?

By "ported" do you mean that ActiveState hasn't made a version for use with PPM? You can always just use CPAN directly:
prompt> perl -MCPAN -e shell

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RE: Re: Can't use Win32 Perl to FTP - no Net::FTP for Win32?
by roberto (Acolyte) on Nov 04, 2000 at 22:14 UTC
    this requires "make" however and make is not standard on windows...

      Perl isn't standard on Windows either. And make is even easier to get (just one program to download) and is free. See one of the Win32 Perl FAQs for location.

              - tye (but my friends call me "Tye")
        Tye (if you'll pardon a stranger) - How about helping a few newbies along. Where is this easily downloaded make - a link would be nice. Thanks.