in reply to Tk text widget indices.


the follwing test ...

#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use vars qw/$TOP/; $TOP = MainWindow->new(); my $t = $TOP->Scrolled(qw/Text -scrollbars e/)->pack(); $t->insert('0.0', 'try **until **you **succeed'); my $result = $t->search(-forwards,"**",'end'); print "\$result: $result\n"; my $start=$result+.2; print "\$start: $start\n"; my @chars=$t->get("$start","$start wordend"); print "\nThe word:"; print"\n@chars\n"; MainLoop;
... with activePerl ...
# aperl -v This is perl, v5.6.1 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread (with 1 registered patch, see perl -V for more detail) Copyright 1987-2001, Larry Wall Binary build 633 provided by ActiveState Corp. http://www.ActiveState. +com Built 21:33:05 Jun 17 2002
... on XP did it, at least i think, as you want.

# aperl textwidget $result: 1.4 $start: 1.6 The word: until
But are sure whether it's a good idea to do text/string-orientated things with widget-methods. Perhaps it would be easier and more efficient to try approaches with regexes or split.

greetings, tos

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Tk text widget indices.
by perl_seeker (Scribe) on Jul 18, 2003 at 11:47 UTC
    Hi, thanks a lot for the reply
    actually I am working with text in another language,
    not English text.I gave that example in my post just to
    state the problem(or so I thought).I had not at all tested
    with english text.

    In fact my code as well works with the english text file:

    x.txt try **until **you **succeed

    but strangely does not work for my text file which looks
    like this, if the display is set to an english font:

    y.txt ]]» **]X»]» **]Eõ]» ]]»»

    In this case only the first character next to the 2nd
    asterisk is printed:

    $result: 1.4 $start: 1.6 The word: ]

    I need the whole word to be printed that is:


    What I then need to do is change the font color of
    the word so that it stands out in the widget window,
    and delete the **'s.
    I need to present the text in the Tk widget as a user
    interface.The user clicks a button, certain words get
    marked by the asterisks.But instead of the asterisks,
    I now want to change the font color of the words instead.

    I'm not sure how I can search within a widget window
    using regexps.

    here's my actual code, with a whole lot of it not relevant
    to this question omitted.

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use Tk; #use strict; our($filename, $info); #Variables to be used in the su +bs &load_file and &save_file. #$filename stores the file name + typed by the user in the entry widget of the main window. #$info stores the text message +displayed at the bottom of the main window. my $mw = MainWindow->new; # Main window. # Create necessary widgets. my $f = $mw->Frame->pack(-side => 'top', -fill => 'x'); + #Create frame. $f->Label(-text => "Filename:")->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor => 'w') +; # Label widget. $f->Entry(-textvariable => \$filename)->pack(-side => 'left', -anchor +=> 'w', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1); # Entry widget. + #Button widgets. $f->Button(-text => "Sug", -command =>\&tged)->pack(-side => 'right'); + $f->Button(-text => "Save", -command => \&save_file)->pack(-side => 'r +ight', -anchor => 'e'); $f->Button(-text => "Load", -command => \&load_file)->pack(-side => 'r +ight', -anchor => 'e'); $f->Button(-text => "Det",-command => \&chfile )->pack(-side => 'right +', -anchor => 'e'); $f->Button(-text => "Show",-command => \&load_file)->pack(-side => 'ri +ght', -anchor => 'e'); $f->Button(-text => "Add?",-command => \&addit)->pack(-side => 'right' +, -anchor => 'e'); $mw->Label(-textvariable => \$info, -relief => 'ridge')->pack(-side => + 'bottom', -fill => 'x'); # Label widget. #Text widget. + my $t = $mw->Scrolled("Text",-font=>"{as-ttdurga} 24 {bold}")->pack(-s +ide => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1); MainLoop; + sub chfile { open LEX, 'soundex.txt' or die $!; my %lexicon; while(<LEX>){ chomp; my @words =split; @lexicon{@words} = (1) x @words; } close LEX; open FILE, "+<$filename" or die $!; my @missing; my @data; while(<FILE>){ push @missing, grep { ! $lexicon{$_} } split; push @data,split; } #print @missing; #print "\n@data"; seek FILE, 0, 0; # go to start of file truncate FILE, 0; foreach $ditem(@data){ $_ = process($_); print FILE; print FILE " "; foreach $mitem(@missing) { my $currentposition=tell FILE; seek FILE,0,1 ; if ($mitem eq $ditem){ syswrite FILE,"**",4 ; #print"\n$mitem"; $result=$t->search(-forwards,"**",'end'); # print"\nThe start pos of the pattern:"; # print "\n$result"; $start=$result+.2; #print "\n$start"; @chars=$t->get("$start","$start wordend"); print "\nThe word:"; print"\n@chars"; #$t->tagConfigure("wrong",-foreground=>"red"); #$t->tagAdd("wrong","$start","$start wordend"); } } } close FILE; sub process { return($ditem); } } 1;
    What is the alternative to using the 'wordend' index? That does not seem to work here. Thanx
      but strangely does not work for my text file which looks like this, if the display is set to an english font:
      y.txt ]]» **]X»]» **]Eõ]» ]]»»
      Hmmm. Characters like these can cause unforseen behavior, because it's not ever clear whether they are taken as ESC-sequences or meta-characters.

      I googled a little with your as-ttdurga-font and saw that this is a kind of indic(assamese)-script-font. I like it's pretty appearance, but i wonder whether it can be fully represented by 8-Bit-ASCII-Code.

      In your code the font-declaration seems to be insignificant. This was my impression when i tested it.

      Do you actual see the desired font in your Tk-script ?

      I could imagine that you have to turn your line of thought in direction unicode. Therefore it's a good idea to use at least a perl-version >=5.6.1, i think.

      greetings, tos


        these fonts use ISFOC/ISCII encoding.Not the 8-bit
        ASCII.Unicode encoding has been proposed for this
        script, but most font creation software (e.g.
        Fontographer) for this script support either ISFOC/ISO Latin/Win 3.1 etc,
        but not Unicode.
        I'm using Perl 5.6 which supports Unicode, but that is of
        no use, since the font I use does not use Unicode encoding.

        Anyhow does Unicode have anything to do with where the
        problem is?......

        The search function worked correctly giving the position of
        the first *.The problem is I could not extract the word
        next to it using the get function because of the escape
        sequence/metacharcters thing.

        Could we use a loop here instead of get and read each
        char after the 2nd * ,one at a time until we get a

        And yes, I can see the actual font in the Tk text widget
        window on running the script.

        I could read the entire contents of the window into a scalar
        and do a regexp search in it, but I still need the positions
        (line no, char no)of the matches found, in the window.

        By the way we can do a regexp search in the search function
        itself, if we use the -regex switch.