I am trying to teach my daughter Perl. In order to improve her experience with Perl, I tried together with her to make an IDE for her.

What I posted here is just where we started, and we will surely continue to work on it, and use it for ourselves.

For the next revision, we will try to:
  1. make STDIN work
  2. visually link compilation errors with source code
  3. try to connect to debug
use Tk; use IPC::Open3; use Hash::Util (lock_keys); use strict; use warnings; $main::self = {}; $main::self->{OPEN_FILE} = undef; $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} = new MainWindow(title => "My Program - Unt +iled"); my $tools_frame = $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} ->Frame(border => 1, relief => "sunken") ->pack(fill => "x", padx => 5, pady => 5, side => "top"); my $run = $tools_frame->Button(text => "Run", background => "light blue", activebackground => "pink", command => \&run) ->pack(side => "left", padx => 5, pady => 5); $tools_frame->Button(text => "New", background => "light blue", activebackground => "pink", command => \&new_file) ->pack(side => "left", pady => 5); $tools_frame->Button(text => "Open", background => "light blue", activebackground => "pink", command => \&open_file) ->pack(side => "left", pady => 5); $tools_frame->Button(text => "Save", background => "light blue", activebackground => "pink", command => \&save) ->pack(side => "left", pady => 5); $tools_frame->Button(text => "Save As", background => "light blue", activebackground => "pink", command => \&save_as) ->pack(side => "left", pady => 5); $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT} = $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} ->Scrolled("Text", font => ["Times", 16], -scrollbars => "e", background => "cyan", width => 70, height => 20) ->pack(side => "top", fill => "x"); lock_keys(%{$main::self}); $main::result = $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} ->Scrolled("Text", font => ["Times", 16], -scrollbars => "e", background => "light green", width => 70, height => 8) ->pack(side => "top", fill => "x"); $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->focus(); MainLoop; sub run { my $program = $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->get("1.0", "end"); open(PROGRAM, ">", ""); print PROGRAM $program; close(PROGRAM); open3(\*WRITER, \*READER, \*READER, "perl", "-w", ""); $main::result->delete("1.0", "end"); while (my $content = <READER>) { $main::result->insert("end", $content); } } sub save_file { open(FILE, ">", $main::self->{OPEN_FILE}); my $program = $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->get("1.0", "end"); print FILE $program; close(FILE); } sub save { if ($main::self->{OPEN_FILE}) { save_file(); } else { save_as(); } } sub save_as { my $file_name = $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW}->getSaveFile(); if ($file_name ne "") { $main::self->{OPEN_FILE} = $file_name; save_file(); display_file_name(); } } sub open_file { if ($main::self->{OPEN_FILE} = $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW}->getOpen +File()) { open(FILE, "<", $main::self->{OPEN_FILE}); local $/; my $program = <FILE>; close(FILE); $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->delete("1.0", "end"); $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->insert("end", $program); display_file_name(); } } sub new_file { $main::self->{OPEN_FILE} = undef; $main::self->{PROGRAM_TEXT}->delete("1.0", "end"); display_file_name(); } sub display_file_name { if ($main::self->{OPEN_FILE}) { $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} ->configure("title", "My Porgram - $main::self->{OPEN_FILE}" +); } else { $main::self->{MAIN_WINDOW} ->configure("title", "My Porgram - Untiled"); } }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: perl IDE in perl
by belg4mit (Prior) on Feb 19, 2003 at 05:40 UTC
    You might want to take a look at ptkdb, to help with your TODO list.

    I'm not belgian but I play one on TV.

Re: perl IDE in perl
by rob_au (Abbot) on Feb 19, 2003 at 11:28 UTC
    For simplicity in a Perl text editor its hard to look past this one-line wonder from hiseldl ... :-)

    perl -MTk -MTk::TextUndo -e "(tkinit)->Scrolled('TextUndo')->pack;Main +Loop"


    perl -le 'print+unpack("N",pack("B32","00000000000000000000001000110001"))'

Re: perl IDE in perl
by castaway (Parson) on Feb 19, 2003 at 13:09 UTC
    Nice idea!
    There might be some ideas/tips in ptked which is a little editor written with Perl-Tk..


Re: perl IDE in perl
by Tomte (Priest) on Feb 19, 2003 at 10:18 UTC

    ++ for the idea and for sharing it here, pg.
    you'll get another ++ from me, if this were possible, for using tcl/tk instead of win32 or the like.
    PerlQT might be an option, though, for a modern look on unix-flavours ;-), never liked the motif-style *shudder*


Re: perl IDE in perl
by hiseldl (Priest) on Feb 19, 2003 at 19:56 UTC

    Grapht is an IDE written entirely in perl. Since you are teaching perl, you may find Regex Evaluator useful too. It allows you to interactively test regexes.

    What time is it? It's Camel Time!