Here's one of Bilbo's favorite poems:
sub theroad{ while(1){ print "goes ever on \n"; } } $down_from{$the_door}{began}; now->far_ahead( the_road_has_gone ) && i->must( follow ); if($i){ print "can"; } @pursuing=("it", "with" "eager feet"); UNTIL: $it =~ $some_larger_way WHERE: &many(paths) && &errands(meet); AND: $whither{then}="i cannot say";

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Re: The Road Goes Ever On
by dakkar (Hermit) on Dec 19, 2002 at 09:59 UTC
    my $the_road=Road->new(-begin => $door); my $roading=threads->create(sub{$the_road->go(-on=>1,-dir=>'down')}); (localtime==$now && ($the_road->gone)>($far) && ($the_road->heading) eq 'ahead') && do { if (I->can('follow')) { I->follow(-pursue=>$the_road, -with=>(I->{feet}->set_opt(-eager=>1)), ) until (do{ my @slw=grep {$_->width > $the_road->width} @ways; $done=0; for $slw (@slw) { $the_road->meet($slw) && (grep {$_->meet($slw)} @paths,@errands)>=$many && do {$done=1;last}} $done }); TODO: { local $TODO = "I cannot say"; } }};
            dakkar - Mobilis in mobile