This is a script meant for CGI use. You need the GD package installed in order to use this. Simply call the script in a browser and it gives you the current time as supplied by the server. Works with strict, but warnings are disabled because of uninitialized values as well as one depreceated variable :) Time returned in 12 hour format (A.M./P.M.)

#!/usr/bin/perl -T use strict; use GD;@_[2..3,1,rand (1)]=((localtime)[$*++, ,1..1+1],"A.M."); $_[1]-= 12and$_[$| ]="P.M." unless$_[ rand( 1)+1]<12;$_[1]||= 12;push@_ ,sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d %s",@_[$ * ,3,2,$[]);sub _{print"Content-type: " ,$,,"image/png\n",,,$,,,$',,$_,,,''.' ';binmode STDOUT;print $_[5]->png;}$_ [5]=new GD::Image(9*length$_[4], 2* 2*2*2);$_[6]=$_[5]->colorAllocate ($|,$%,$|);$_[5]->transparent($_[ 6]);$_[6]=$_[5]->colorAllocate ($ |, $%, 255 );$ _[ 5] ->string (gdGiantFont ,$|,$%,@_[4,5]);&_;