in reply to Re: Re: Re: ADSI: Getting a full list of users from a w2k domain
in thread ADSI: Getting a full list of users from a w2k domain

But it can be done in VBScript with almost identical code. The offending line that I can't translate from VBScript is objADOCmd.Properties("Page Size")=10000. So it must be possible. I'm missing something. I have to be.


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Re: (5) ADSI: Getting a full list of users from a w2k domain
by cacharbe (Curate) on Sep 11, 2002 at 13:05 UTC
    Well, when you execute a command object, you get back a recordset object. Why not prep the RS object ahead of time, and use the command and connection objects after your leg work is done, like so:
    use Win32::OLE 'in'; my $ADO = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connection"); $ADO->{Provider} = "ADsDSOObject"; $ADO->Open("ADSI Provider"); my $ADOCmd=Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Command"); $ADOCmd->{ActiveConnection}=$ADO;#new $ADOCmd->{CommandText}="<$ADSPath>;(objectClass=User);samAccountNam +e,HomeDirectory;SubTree"; my $ADOrs = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.RecordSet"); $ADOrs->PageSize->{Value}=10000; $ADOrs->Open({Source=>$ADOCmd, ActiveConnection=>$ADO,}) until ($ADOrs->EOF){ my $homeDir=lc($ADOrs->Fields(1)->{Value}); if ($homeDir=~/^\\\\mf/){ my $account=lc($ADOrs->Fields(0)->{Value}); print OUT "$account\t$homeDir\n"; } $ADOrs->MoveNext; } $ADOrs->Close; $ADO->Close; print "Wrote Accounts\n";
    My thought is that in VB, you are lucky enough to be able to set the PageSize Property ahead of time, and on execution, the properties are applied when the object is returned. I've come to this (perhaps erroneous) conclusion because if you create the command object and then enumerate through the Command Properties before execution, you get back an empty set.


    Flex the Geek