in reply to Net::IRC "on kick(ed)"

I've never used the module, but a quick look into Net::IRC::Event shows that kick is the event that would be called:
kick The "kick" event is triggered upon receipt of a KICK message, which me +ans that someone on a channel with the client (or possibly the client + itself!) has been forcibly ejected.
Thus, your code should look something like:
$conn->add_global_hander('kick', \&on_kick); sub on_kick { my ($self, $event) = @_; my $who = $event->nick; # $who is the person who was kicked. }

Note: you can use Data::Dumper to see what the event structure looks like:
use Data::Dumper; # ... sub on_kick { my ($self, $event) = @_; print Dumper($event); }