in reply to getsockopt truncating values to 256 bytes ?

This is a very interesting find. Please do keep us updated, and give a shout out if you want help further troubleshooting it.


steve@maezi ~/scratch >system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType Software: System Software Overview: System Version: macOS 12.2.1 (21D62) Kernel Version: Darwin 21.3.0

I experience the same issue:

steve@maezi ~/scratch >perl The TCP_INFO structure seems to be truncated to 256 bytes on this syst +em.

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Re^2: getsockopt truncating values to 256 bytes ?
by Yaribz (Beadle) on May 21, 2022 at 12:03 UTC

    Thanks. I guess what will happen is that the hardcoded limit will just be increased in Perl core code.

    However I wanted to be able to retrieve the full TCP_INFO structure even when using older Perl versions... So regarding my original question "what can I do to retrieve the full TCP_INFO structure ?", here is the workaround I came up with, which seems to be working fine according to first results:

    use constant { DARWIN_SYS_getsockopt => 118, # from bsd/kern/syscalls.master GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN => 512, # enough for now I guess... }; sub darwin_getsockopt { my $optval = "\0" x GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN; my $optlen=pack('i',GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN); my $rv=syscall(DARWIN_SYS_getsockopt,fileno($_[0]),$_[1],$_[2],$optv +al,$optlen); return $rv < 0 ? undef : substr($optval,0,unpack('i',$optlen)); }

    Here is a revised version of the test program, using the workaround when run on macOS:
    use Socket qw'PF_INET SOCK_STREAM IPPROTO_TCP inet_aton sockaddr_in'; use constant { DARWIN_TCP_INFO => 0x200, # from bsd/netinet/tcp.h DARWIN_SYS_getsockopt => 118, # from bsd/kern/syscalls.master GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN => 512, # enough for now I guess... }; sub darwin_getsockopt { my $optval = "\0" x GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN; my $optlen=pack('i',GETSOCKOPT_MAXLEN); my $rv=syscall(DARWIN_SYS_getsockopt,fileno($_[0]),$_[1],$_[2],$optv +al,$optlen); return $rv < 0 ? undef : substr($optval,0,unpack('i',$optlen)); } my $GETSOCKOPT_FUNC = $^O eq 'darwin' ? \&darwin_getsockopt : \&CORE:: +getsockopt; my $TCP_INFO = ($^O eq 'darwin' ? DARWIN_TCP_INFO : eval { Socket::TCP +_INFO() }) or die "This system doesn't support the TCP_INFO structure.\n"; my ($testHost,$testPort)=('',443); socket(my $sock, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) or die "Could not create socket - $!\n"; my $iaddr=inet_aton($testHost); my $paddr=sockaddr_in($testPort,$iaddr); connect($sock,$paddr) or die "Failed to connect to $testHost:$testPort - $!\n"; my $tcpInfoData=$GETSOCKOPT_FUNC->($sock,IPPROTO_TCP,$TCP_INFO) or die "Error while calling getsockopt - $!\n"; my $tcpInfoLength=length($tcpInfoData); if($tcpInfoLength < 256) { print "This system doesn't have a TCP_INFO structure large enough to + reproduce the problem.\n"; }elsif($tcpInfoLength == 256) { print "The TCP_INFO structure seems to be truncated to 256 bytes on +this system.\n"; }else{ print "This system doesn't seem to be affected by the problem (TCP_I +NFO length: $tcpInfoLength).\n"; }
    And finally, here is another implementation of the workaround, using a more generic approach to let the user specify a buffer length if needed (optional argument), the ideal solution in my opinion (if it was implemented in Perl core to be more efficient):
    sub getsockopt_darwin_gen { return &CORE::getsockopt if(@_ < 4); my $optlen = pop; my $optval = "\0" x $optlen; $optlen=pack('i',$optlen); my $rv=syscall(DARWIN_SYS_getsockopt,fileno($_[0]),$_[1],$_[2],$optv +al,$optlen); return $rv < 0 ? undef : substr($optval,0,unpack('i',$optlen)); }