in reply to Download big file in chunks with plack response

See the section Delayed Response and Streaming Body in the PSGI specification.

What you want is something like this (untested):

use strict; use warnings; ####use Plack::Response; # doesn't seem to support streaming response use Path::Tiny; use File::MimeInfo; sub return_psgi { my $self = shift; my $path_file = shift; my $content_type = mimetype($path_file); $content_type = 'application/octet-stream' if not defined $content +_type; my $content = path($path_file); my $content_download = $content->slurp; require File::Spec::Unix; my $basename = $path_file; $basename =~ s|\\|/|g; $basename = ( File::Spec::Unix->splitpath($basename) )[2]; $basename =~ s|[^\w\.-]+|_|g; return sub { my $responder = shift; my $writer = $responder->( [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => $content_type, 'Content-Disposition' => qq[attachment; filename="$ +basename"], ] ] ); open (FILE, "< $path_file") or die "can't open $path_file: $!" +; binmode FILE; local $/ = \102400; while (<FILE>) { $writer->write($_); } $writer->close(); close FILE; } }