in reply to Re^4: Not an ARRAY reference
in thread Not an ARRAY reference


If you've got one JSON entry per line and are using the JSON package from, then you'd handle the exception something like this:

use warnings; use strict; use JSON; . . . # Build a JSON parser my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref; # Process the lines in the file, we're labelling the WHILE loop to mak +e it obvious # where we skip to after handling the exception JSON_RECORD: while (my $line = <INFILE>) { # We'll declare the variable so we can use it outside of the eval my $data; # Parse the data inside the eval so we can catch the error eval { $data = $json->decode($line); }; # Now we can check $@ to see if we had an exception if ($@) { # parse failed, so log it and let the user know print "JSON parse failed on line $.\n"; print "error was: $@\n"; print "JSON we tried to parse <<$line>>\n\n"; # Now that we've handled the exception, skip to the next recor next JSON_RECORD; } # OK if we get here, we've successfully parse the JSON data, so we + can do what # we normally do now. . . . }


When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

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Re^6: Not an ARRAY reference
by chandantul (Scribe) on Nov 08, 2020 at 20:45 UTC

    Thanks for your response, Please check my Json data one more time. This is an example. There will be 30000 data like this and i am suspecting one of the records creating an issue which JSON response had some issue, The users records under {}, under [] Its not line specific but a record under {}, under []. Will your above code works for each users JSON response? The JSON responses hold by $responsetextall[$i]

    [ { 'status' => 'ACTIVE', 'activated' => '2020-04-29T17:58:43.000Z', 'created' => '2020-04-29T17:58:42.000Z', '_links' => { 'self' => { 'href' => 'https://ssoqa.abcoffi' } }, 'passwordChanged' => undef, 'lastUpdated' => '2020-11-06T19:09:08.000Z', 'id' => '00abcdefghijklmn6', 'lastLogin' => '2020-10-05T15:16:53.000Z', 'profile' => { 'email' => '', 'middleName' => 'Y', 'countryCode' => 'IN', 'login' => '123456789@ADSYF.SYFBANK.COM', 'streetAddress' => '14-45,idhaian', 'organization' => 'ABC Organization', 'employeeNumber' => '123456789', 'division' => 'ABC - IT', 'AWSrole' => [], }, 'type' => { 'id' => 'omstdyc' }, 'credentials' => { 'provider' => { 'type' => 'AD', 'name' => 'AD.COM' } }, 'statusChanged' => '2020-06-01T08:56:35.000Z' }, { 'id' => '00mnopqrstq6', 'lastLogin' => ${\$VAR1->[0]{'passwordChanged'}}, 'profile' => { 'managerId' => '2456789', 'userType' => 'Contract', 'city' => 'Stamford', 'zipCode' => '00009', 'JobFunction' => 'IT', 'manager' => 'Kal, R', 'department' => 'IT - IN - CS&T - Client Ec +om', 'displayName' => 'Bh, M', 'lastName' => 'Bht', 'streetAddress' => '7 Lo Ri Rd', 'email' => '', }, 'type' => { 'id' => 'obcdefghijklmn5' }, 'credentials' => { 'provider' => { 'type' => 'AD', 'name' => 'AD.ABC.COM' } }, 'statusChanged' => '2020-04-29T17:58:49.000Z', 'status' => 'ACTIVE', 'activated' => '2020-04-29T17:58:49.000Z', 'created' => '2020-04-29T17:58:47.000Z', '_links' => { 'self' => { 'href' => ' +/api/v1/users/00abcdefghijkl6' } }, 'passwordChanged' => ${\$VAR1->[0]{'passwordChanged'}}, 'lastUpdated' => '2020-11-06T19:09:10.000Z' }, ]
    for my $i (0..$#responsetextall) { $responsetextall[$i] =~ s/]\[/,/g; for my $j (0..$#{$responsetextall[$i]}) { my $responseid = $responsetextall[$i][$j]{id}; my $responsests = $responsetextall[$i][$j]{status}; if ($responsests ne "Deactivated") { + run_api_call($apiurluser. $responseid . $apiurl2); my @responsetext4 = parse_json ($client->responseContent()); my $responsecode1 = $client->responseCode() ; for my $m (0..$#responsetext4) { for my $n (0..$#{$responsetext4[$m]}) { + $response1 = $responsetext4[$m][$n]{id}; $resplable = $responsetext4 [$m][$n]{l +abel}; push @mouapps, $resplable; } } my $newurl = ($apiurluser . $responseid ); + run_api_call($newurl); + my @responsetext1 = parse_json ($c +lient->responseContent()); print Dumper @responsetext1 ; for my $l (0..$#responsetext1) { my $response2 = $responsetext1[$l]{id}; my $response3 = $responsetext1[$l]{profile}{firstName}; my $response4 = $responsetext1[$l]{profile}{lastName}; my $response5 = $responsetext1[$l]{profile}{email}; my $response6 = $responsetext1[$l]{credentials}{provide +r}{name}; ## Wrting to the reporting file. $worksheet->write(0, 0, 'OKTA-ID'); $worksheet->write(0, 1, 'FIRST NAME'); $worksheet->write(0, 2, 'LAST NAME'); $worksheet->write(0, 3, 'EMAIL-ID'); $worksheet->write(0, 4, 'Profile-Master'); $worksheet->write(0, 5, 'APPS'); $worksheet->write($r, 0, $response2); $worksheet->write($r, 1, $response3); $worksheet->write($r, 2, $response4); $worksheet->write($r, 3, $response5); $worksheet->write($r, 4, $response6); foreach (@mouapps) { local $" = '|'; my $response7 = join ("|","@mouapps"); $worksheet->write($r, 5, $response7); } $r += 1; } } else { print "Do Nothing" ; } } } $workbook->close; print "Spreadsheet saved.\n";

    2020-11-09 Athanasius added code tags around JSON data.


      The JSON parser I use decodes an entire record at one time, so either the whole JSON record parses correctly or it's rejected. I only showed a text file line-based example because it was easy. If you want to handle a response at a time, it would be essentially the same: Wrap the JSON decode operation in an eval { } block, then check the $@ variable to see if there's an exception after the eval block and choose to process the data or handle the error.


      When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

        The issue has been resolved once changed the API call. The issue was with JSON response