in reply to Refactoring just to refactor?

map { anchor( textify($_), { href => $_ } ) } grep { /^[A-Z].+/ && -f $_ } sort { article_sort($a, $b) }

If possible, I would put the grep before the sort so that you probably have fewer items to sort which takes less time. (more efficient):

map { anchor( textify($_), { href => $_ } ) } sort { article_sort($a, $b) } grep { /^[A-Z].+/ && -f $_ }

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Re^2: Refactoring just to refactor?
by Lady_Aleena (Priest) on Jun 28, 2019 at 22:25 UTC

    I was thinking about putting grep before sort. With the lists being less than 20 items (more like 4 or 5), it does not make too big a difference.

    No matter how hysterical I get, my problems are not time sensitive. So, relax, have a cookie, and a very nice day!
    Lady Aleena