in reply to HPC Computing Question

I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I haven't used SGE for a number of years, but in its earlier incarnations, there was no concept of shared threads/memory BETWEEN nodes. The usual way you utilize the nodes is to write code such that smaller sections of data can be calculated independently. A usuall example is a script that takes a data file, then does some calculations upon it. Then, if we have 100 data files (e.g. numbered 1.txt .. 100.txt), we can:
qsub -t 1-100
An in the code
open (my $fh , "<", $ENV{SGE_TASK_ID}.".txt") or die $!; etc ...
SGE then in your case would divide each task to a node as it sees fit (dependent on how the SGE is configured). Hope this helps.

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