in reply to Problem with uploading file

Thanks for replying tachyon

When I use the default encoding type with startform() it works, but as soon as I change it to 'multitype/form-data', it doesn't any more.

I know it shouldn't make a differance but it does. I have updated my CGI module to 2.77 just in case there was a bug, but it still doesn't work.

Basically all the name value pairs I read gets passed when using the default encoding type but not when I change it.

Anyway, here is the code:


#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI; $| = 1; $query = CGI::new(); $passfile = "/*****/***.cfg"; $dir = "/Volumes/*****/pdf/magazines/"; $menu = $query->param("menu"); $name = $query->param("name"); $password = $query->param("password"); $rights = ''; if (!(defined($menu))) { if (!(defined($name))) { print $query->redirect('pdf_login.cgi'); }; my $cookie_name = $query->cookie("name"); if ($cookie_name ne $name) { my $cookie = $query->cookie (-name => 'name', -value => $name, -expires => '+10y'); print $query->redirect (-cookie => $cookie, -uri => $query->se +lf_url()); exit 0; }; } else { my $cookie_name = $query->cookie("name"); $name = $cookie_name; }; my $cookie_pass = $query->cookie("pass"); open (IN, "$passfile") || die "Can't open $passfile for appending!\n"; my $readname = ""; while (<IN>) { ($readname,$pass,$right) = split(/:/); if ($name eq $readname) { $mypass = $pass; if ($cookie_pass eq $pass) { $rights = $right; } else { if (crypt($password,$pass) eq $pass) { $rights = $right; } else { print $query->header(); print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n"; print " </HEAD>\n <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"2;URL=pdf_login +.cgi\"> <BODY MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMAR +GIN=0 BGCOLOR=\"FFFFFF\"> "; print " <TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=0 CELL +PADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>\n <TR>\n <TD>\n </TD>\n <TD> <IMG SRC=\"../pdf/images/ba2.jpg\" ALIGN='RIGH +T' WIDTH=201 HEIGHT=78></TD> </TR>\n <TR>\n <TD COLSPAN=2>\n"; print "<FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> <CENTER> <BR><BR> <BR>Wrong Password<BR><BR></CENTER>"; print " </TD>\n </TR>\n </TABLE>\n </BODY>\n </HTML>\n "; exit 0; }; # end else }; #end else }; #end if print $readname; }; #end while if ($rights eq "") { print $query->header(); print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n "; print " </HEAD>\n <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"2;URL=pdf_login +.cgi\"> <BODY MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMAR +GIN=0 BGCOLOR=\"FFFFFF\"> "; print " <TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=0 CELL +PADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0>\n <TR>\n <TD>\n </TD>\n <TD> <IMG SRC=\"../pdf/images/ba2.jpg\" ALIGN='RIGH +T' WIDTH=201 HEIGHT=78></TD> </TR>\n <TR>\n <TD COLSPAN=2>\n"; print "<FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> <CENTER> <BR><BR>Please log in with an approved username.<BR>< +BR><BR></CENTER>"; print " </TD>\n </TR>\n </TABLE>\n </BODY>\n </HTML>\n "; exit 0; }; close (IN); if (((defined $password)) and ($cookie_pass ne crypt($password,$my +pass))) { my $cookie = $query->cookie (-name => 'pass', -value => crypt($password,$mypass)); print $query->redirect (-cookie => $cookie, -uri => $query->se +lf_url()); exit 0; }; print "Cache-Control: no-cache\nPragma: no-cache\n"; print $query->header(); print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n"; print " </HEAD>\n <BODY MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMAR +GIN=0 BGCOLOR=\"FFFFFF\"> "; print " <TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING= +0 CELLSPACING=0>\n <TR>\n <TD>\n </TD>\n <TD> <IMG SRC=\"../pdf/images/ba2.jpg\" ALIGN='RIGH +T' WIDTH=201 HEIGHT=78></TD> </TR>\n <TR>\n <TD COLSPAN=2>\n <CENTER><BR><BR>Welcome $name.<BR><BR></CENTER +>\n <CENTER><TABLE BGCOLOR='#EEEEEE' BORDER=1 CELL +PADDING=5 CELLSPACING=5>\n <TR>\n"; if ($rights eq "A\n") { &outputA; }; if ($rights eq "C\n") { &outputC; }; if ($rights eq "AC\n") { &outputA; &outputC; }; if ($rights eq "ACU\n") { &outputA; &outputC; &outputU; }; print " </TR></TABLE></CENTER>\n </TD>\n </TR>\n </TABLE>\n </BODY>\n </HTML>\n "; exit 0; sub outputA { print "<TD><FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> <CENTER> <BR> Choose a date to approve: <BR><BR>"; opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can not opendir $dir"; @mags = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $magazine (@mags) { print "<HR><BR><CENTER>$magazine</CENTER><BR><BR> +"; opendir(DIR, "$dir/$magazine") or die "Can not o +pendir $dir/$magazine"; @files = grep { /^\d+$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $filename (@files) { @months = ('January','February','March','April','May', +'June','July', 'August','September','October','November','Decemb +er'); $month = int substr($filename,4); $mfilename = $months[$month-1]." ".substr($filename,0,4 +); print "<A HREF= \"pdf.cgi?mag=$magazine&month +=$filename\" TARGET=\"_self\">$mfilename</A><BR><BR>\n"; }; }; print "<HR></CENTER></TD>"; }; sub outputC { print "<TD><FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> <CENTER> <BR>View submitted comments:<BR><BR>\n"; opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can not opendir $dir"; @mags = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $magazine (@mags) { print "<HR><BR><CENTER>$magazine</CENTER><BR><BR> +"; opendir(DIR, "$dir/$magazine") or die "Can not o +pendir $dir/$magazine"; @files = grep { /^\d+$/ } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); foreach $filename (@files) { @months = ('January','February','March','April','May','Jun +e','July', 'August','September','October','November','Decemb +er'); $month = int substr($filename,4); $mfilename = $months[$month-1]." ".substr($filename,0,4 +); print "<A HREF= \"pdf3.cgi?mag=$magazine&mont +h=$filename\" TARGET=\"_self\">$mfilename</A><BR><BR>\n"; }; }; print "<HR></CENTER></TD>"; }; sub outputU { print "<TD><FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> <CENTER> <BR>Upload Files:<BR><HR>\n"; print $query->start_form('POST','upload.cgi','multipa +rt/form-data'); opendir(DIR, $dir) or die "Can not opendir $dir"; @mags = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); print "<BR><b>Magazine:</b><BR>"; print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'magazine', -values=>[@mags]); print "<BR><BR><b>Edition:</b><BR>"; @months = ('January','February','March','April','May' +,'June','July', 'August','September','October','November','Decemb +er'); print $query->popup_menu(-name=>'month', -values=>[@months]); print "<BR><BR><b>Year:</b><BR>"; print $query->textfield('year','2001',4) . "\n"; print "<BR><BR><b>File to upload:</b><BR>"; print $query->filefield('upload_file','',30,80); print "<CENTER>"; print $query->submit("Upload"); print "</CENTER><BR>\n\n"; print $query->endform(); print "<HR></CENTER></TD>"; };

I know it is not the cleanest or best way to do it, lots of repetition, but bare with me.

And here is upload.cgi:

#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw/:standard/; $| = 1; $query = new CGI; $month = $query->param("month"); $year = $query->param("year"); $magazine = $query->param("magazine"); %months = ('January','01','February','02','March','03','April','04', +'May','05','June','06','July','07', 'August','08','September','09','October','10','No +vember',11,'December','12'); my $mymonth = $year . $months{$month}; my $dir = "/Volumes/*****/pdf/magazines/$magazine/$mymonth"; my $name = $query->cookie("name"); if (!(defined($name)) or ($name eq '')) { print $query->redirect('pdf_login.cgi'); } else { print $query->header(); print "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>$name</TITLE>\n"; print " </HEAD>\n <BODY MARGINHEIGHT=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0 BGCOLOR=\" +FFFFFF\"> <FONT SIZE=3 FACE=\"ARIAL\"> "; my $bytes_read=0; my $size=''; my $buff=''; my $filename=''; my $write_file=''; my $filepath=''; $filepath=$query->param("upload_file"); if ($filepath =~ /([^\/\\]+)$/) { $filename="$1"; } else { $filename="$filepath"; } $write_file="$dir" . "/" . "$filename"; print "$dir,$mymonth,$month,$magazine,$name,$filepath<BR>\n"; print "Filename=$filename<br>\n"; print "Writefile= $write_file<br>\n"; if (!open(WFD,">>$write_file")) { die("Error opening $write_file for writing"); return; } while ($bytes_read=read($filepath,$buff,1024)) { binmode WFD; print WFD $buff; } close(WFD); if ((stat $write_file)[7] <= 0) { unlink($write_file); die("Could not upload file: $filename"); return; } else { print<<EOF; <center> <hr noshade size=1 width="90%"> <table border=0 bgcolor="#c0c0c0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> <tr> <td> <table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding=10 cellspacin +g=2> <tr align="center"> <td bgcolor="#000099" width="100%"> <font color="#ffffff"> File <font color="#00ffff"><b>$filename</b></font> +of size <font color="#00ffff"><b>$size</b></font> byte +s is uploaded successfully! </font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </center> EOF ; } print " </BODY>\n </HTML>\n "; }; exit 0;

I really hope I just did something stupid.

Thanks for your help


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: Problem with uploading file
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Aug 15, 2001 at 18:25 UTC

    First thing I can see is that you ask for the function interface via the use CGI qw(:standard) but then go on to use the OO methods. Change to just use CGI; and see if that fixes it. If it does report the bug!




      No it doesn't fix it.


        OK time for some lower level debugging. To check that the info is coming through to your upload script OK replace it with this:

        #!/usr/bin/perl read(STDIN,$buf,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print $buf;

        This will print the raw post data to screen. You should see something like

        blah blah ..... ------------------------2325446af455 name1 value1 ------------------------2325446af455 name2 value2 ------------------------2325446af455 ....

        This is how the raw data is sent when you use form encoding. The --xxx is the boundary. Anyway you should be able to see your form data (name/value pairs) plain as day. If it is there then would seem broken, if not it is your form.


