in reply to Re: regular expression for the address
in thread regular expression for the address

What do you use that eval for? Only for eliminating the parentheses? Bad idea, I think.

Let's assume there is a list of strings from which the value of the second last field is wanted.

If there is a bad data source, that eval would execute bad stuff like system("echo Hello World.") or even worse...

$ perl use feature ":5.14"; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use strict; my $var = << 'END'; 11,2222222,"xxxxxx'x xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx",sssss (aaa 111) 1111-a ,aaaaa +aa aa ,aaaaaa, ,xxxxxxxx,dd/dd/dd,xx, system('echo bad command execut +ed!!'),111111 END say eval [split /,\s*/, $var]->[-2] bad command executed!! 0
If you want to remove the parentheses, you could use an tr///. For example:
use feature ":5.14"; use warnings FATAL => qw(all); use strict; my $var = << 'END'; 11,2222222,"xxxxxx'x xxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx",sssss (aaa 111) 1111-a ,aaaaa +aa aa ,aaaaaa, ,xxxxxxxx,dd/dd/dd,xx, (195.14) ,111111 END my $interest = split /,\s*/, $var)[-2]; $interest =~ tr/0-9.//cd; say $interest;