stevee has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Greetings oh wise and venerable monks!

I need to be able to call a perl script on a number of servers (two in my test set-up) using GNU parallel that "does something" and returns the results through STDIN to the calling terminal. I have quite happily managed a form of command line distributed grep as thus

parallel -q --onall --sshloginfile mycomputers --tag grep -H -E '3864885157' ::: /home/stephen/TO174/Data/dgrep-test/*.txt

Now I want to run a perl script on the servers listed in the loginfile "mycomputers". I have tried

parallel -q -onall -sshloginfile mycomputers --tag ./

and a number of variations but I always get the error message about

parallel: Input is read from the terminal. Only experts do this on purpose. Press CTRL-D to exit.

I have looked at all the examples but nothing I try seems to work. Can anyone give me a hint, or the answer as it is late here and I have been on this screen since 0600 today!

Many thanks
