in reply to Help with problem

I cannot understand how this would happen with the above code!

Its probably because you skip the empty lines

Count the empty lines, add the number to the new linecounts, compare to original linecounts

#!/usr/bin/perl -- #~ perltidy -csc -otr -opr -ce -nibc -i=4 use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use IO::Handle; Main( @ARGV ); exit( 0 ); sub Main { local *ARGV; local $^I; my $pre = shift @_; local @ARGV = @_; for (@ARGV) { s/^(\s+)/.\/$1/; # leading whitespace preserved s/^/< /; # force open for input $_ .= qq/\0/; # trailing whitespace preserved & pipes fo +rbidden } my $linenum = 0; my $filenum = 0; my $skipped = 0; open FILEOUT, '>', $pre . "-" . $filenum; while (<ARGV>) { if (/^\s*$/) { $skipped++; next; } elsif ( $linenum <= 300000 ) { print FILEOUT $_; $linenum++; } elsif ( $linenum > 300000 ) { $linenum = 0; # reset line counter every 300,000 lines $filenum++; # increment file counter every 300,000 l +ines # and open new file handle close FILEOUT; open FILEOUT, '>', $pre . "-" . $filenum; print FILEOUT $_; } ## end elsif ( $linenum > 300000) } ## end while (<>) close FILEOUT; my $countedLines = ( ( ( $filenum - 1 ) * 300_000 ) + $linenum ); warn "# TOTAL files $filenum \n", ARGV->input_line_ +number; warn '# ($filenum -1 ) * 300_000 + $linenum = ', "$countedLines\n" +; warn "# TOTAL lines ", ARGV->input_line_number, "\n"; warn "# TOTAL SKIPPED $skipped\n"; warn "# COUNTED + SKIPPED = ", $countedLines + $skipped, "\n"; } ## end sub Main