AlexTape has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks,

probably my question is offtopic to perlmonks. however..

iīm meditating about comparing two linux vmīs {A,B} which are widely identic with a perl script {S}. even there is any mismatch in configuration or even filesystem issue (ONLY OS relevant files) the script should rewrite several parts of the system A in system B to get them identic. If D={any difference} the Algorithm should do this:
Bx{A,D}->S->B/D --> B=A
i suppose that a trivial comparison of each file is not the way to go. are there any modules which support this task or perhaps you got any ideas above comparing any config files?
one of the main characteristics is velocity...
donīt know if there is any solution in perl with good performance..?!

the idea behind this: every time i set up a new vm or even a user crashs e.g. server configurations on a vm i want to (r)sync(??) this vm with a still configured second vm lying down reachable in a network.

$perlig =~ s/pec/cep/g if 'errors expected';