in reply to is it prime?

One speedy way is to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; say qq{$_ is }, isPrime( $_ ) ? q{} : q{not }, q{prime} for 75, 169, 229, 367, 369, 8794, 9227; sub isPrime { my $toTest = shift; my $sqrtLimit = sqrt $toTest; my $sieve = q{}; vec( $sieve, 0 , 1 ) = 1; vec( $sieve, 1 , 1 ) = 1; vec( $sieve, $toTest, 1 ) = 0; my $marker = 1; while ( $marker < $sqrtLimit ) { my $possPrime = $marker + 1; $possPrime ++ while vec( $sieve, $possPrime, 1 ); my $fill = 2 * $possPrime; while ( $fill <= $toTest ) { vec( $sieve, $fill, 1 ) = 1; $fill += $possPrime; } last if vec( $sieve, $toTest, 1 ); $marker = $possPrime; } return not vec( $sieve, $toTest, 1 ); }

The output.

75 is not prime 169 is not prime 229 is prime 367 is prime 369 is not prime 8794 is not prime 9227 is prime

I quickly adapted this from a much older program I had lying around that lists all the primes up to a limit.

# Script to find prime numbers up to a given limit using # the algorithm called "The Sieve of Eratosthenes." The # "sieve" is filled by marking multiples of each prime found # as "not a prime" so the first prime we find is 2 and so # all even numbers are marked. The next number along the # "sieve" that is not marked will be 3 so all multiples of # 3 are then marked, und so weiter. # use strict; use warnings; # Read number to find primes up to from command-line and # make sure it is a positive integer. Algorithm has found # and marked all non-primes up to $limit once the value # being examined exceeds the square root of $limit so # set up that value to avoid recalulation each time. # my $limit = shift or die qq{No limit supplied\n}; die qq{Limit is not a positive integer\n} unless $limit =~ /^\+?\d+$/; my $sqrtLimit = sqrt $limit; # Initialise the "sieve," for which we use a vector. The # numbers 0 and 1 are not prime so set their positions # in the vector to true. Assume that our $limit is a # prime for now by setting to false. We now have a vector # of the correct length. # my $sieve = q{}; vec( $sieve, 0, 1 ) = 1; vec( $sieve, 1, 1 ) = 1; vec( $sieve, $limit, 1 ) = 0; # In initialising the "sieve" we have reached number 1 # so iterate in a while loop until we pass $sqrtLimit. # my $reached = 1; while ( $reached < $sqrtLimit ) { # Examine the next number after $reached and keep # moving along until we find a number that hasn't # been marked as "not a prime." # my $prime = $reached + 1; ++ $prime while vec( $sieve, $prime, 1 ); # This is a prime so print it out, mark multiples # of the prime we have found as "not a prime" up # to our $limit. Update where we have reached. # print qq{$prime is a prime\n}; my $fill = 2 * $prime; while ( $fill <= $limit ) { vec( $sieve, $fill, 1 ) = 1; $fill += $prime; } $reached = $prime; } # We have passed $sqrtLimit so all primes up to $limit have # been found. It just remains to print them out. # foreach my $value ( $reached + 1 .. $limit ) { print qq{$value is a prime\n} unless vec($sieve, $value, 1); }

I hope this is of interest.

Update: Not so speedy, apparently! If only I had a computer science background and understood all the O(log n) gubbins :-D

Also updated the broken link.

