in reply to What's the answer to this puzzle? Most unique/golfed solution? (fun)

Hmm. Golf eh? 88 strokes. First 99 19 values. Bleh. 99 takes too long.

Works under linux, Swap double and single quotes for Windows.

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9
perl -E'$_=1;while(++$t<19){say;my@a;push@a,length$1,$2 while/((\d)\2* +)/g;$_=join"",@a}'

Update 79 75 73 strokes

         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8
perl -E'for(0..19){say$_=$t//1;$t="";$t.=(length$1).$2 while/((.)\2*)/ +g}'