#--------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use Benchmark qw(:all); my $var; cmpthese(1000000, { test1 => 'use Fcntl; sysopen (my $filea, "afile.jpg", O_RDONLY); sysread $filea, $var, 500;', test2 => 'open (my $fileb, "afile.jpg"); read $fileb, $var, 500;', } ) #--------------------------------------------

Find, delete and copy empty dirs and dirs with only empty subdirs

#!/usr/bin/perl use File::Find; finddepth (\&empdir, ($ARGV[0] || '.')); sub empdir { return unless -d; rmdir($_); mkdir "/tmp/$_"; # adicionalmente copiamos a temp para ver qué se +ha borrado } #--------------------------------------------