in reply to converting doc to pdf

There isn't a way out from having to deal with installing modules be it now -for this case- or later, a time will come where you may just need to do that. It serves two major advantages to know the following; how to install modules on your machine, how to read their documentations and how to consistently use them:

Not to deviate from the topic, in CPAN there are many PDF modules to enable manipulation of PDF files to different levels of complexity and they're robust and more appropriate to pick instead of thinking of writing your own code. If you have issues with installing modules you can read at the Tutorials the guides for Installing Modules ...

On another note, there are websites that do format conversions, however, they put a cap on the maximum file size you can submit, the output quality or the number of submission you're allowed, I find to be very good and reliable.

David R. Gergen said "We know that second terms have historically been marred by hubris and by scandal." and I am a two y.o. monk today :D, June,12th, 2011...