in reply to Newbie, AD problem

lastLogon is stored as a large integer that represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). A value of zero means that the last logon time is unknown.

I use an incantation like follows to get date type values out of AD:

sub msqtime2perl { # MicroSoft QuadTime to Perl my $foo = shift; my ($high,$low) = map { $foo->{ $_ } } qw(HighPart LowPart); return unless $high and $low; return ((unpack("L",pack("L",$low)) + unpack("L",pack("L",$high)) * (2 ** 32))) / 10000000) - 11644473600; } if ( $userObject->{lastLogon} and $userObject->{lastLogon}->{HighPart} + ) { $epochtime = msqtime2perl( $userObject->{lastLogon} ); }