isi has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a cgi that generates color maps. I can generate different years by varying 1 paramter. So I thought I could provide a link to a JavaScript function that would move through the years recurively as follows.

function simulate(parms) { var parts = parms.split('\|'); yrs = new Array; yrs = parts[2].split('~'); for( var i=0; i < yrs.length; i++ ) { document.location = 'http://' + parts[0] + '/scx/darea.cgi?str=' + + parts[1] + '_' + yrs[i]; } }
The parameters are correct and the 'for' years are right. But it generates the first year and stops. I have added a sleep function and it generates all five years, but they are not shown. Any help would be appreciated. isi