Looking for a thread to which I had contributed, I sorted my nodes, highest rep first. Then I noticed the URL:
Notice that last parameter: "sexisgood". Now, I'll accept that PerlMonks is like sex - when it's good, it's incredibly good, but when it's bad, it's still pretty damned good. But I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would use that parameter name. Was it copied from some other site? Is this some standard of which I'm unaware? Does someone have an intimate problem? I can't think of a logical explanation. Super search returns several nodes that don't contain that string. So I'm baffled. I'm also like Dirty Harry's bank robber: "Hey, man, I gots to know". Please could someone tell me more, even as an anonymonk if that would save embarrassment.



Update 2023-09-30: I see that the parameter is now "perlisgood".